Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Factors & Norms Influencing Unpaid Care Work - Household Survey Research

In order to address ‘heavy’ and ‘unequal’ care work and to raise the profile of care as a cross-cutting development issue, Oxfam and its partners implemented a baseline Household Care Survey (HCS) in five countries in which the WE-Care project was active. In November/December 2015, a revised version of the HCS was carried out in these same communities. As a follow-up survey, the 2015 HCS monitored change and impact from the project's interventions and gathered evidence on ‘what works’ to address care work in specific contexts.

The aim is to generate evidence that helps local organizations address problematic aspects of care work, contributing to women’s ability to participate, lead and benefit from development initiatives. This evidence is then used to develop project interventions that recognize, reduce and redistribute existing unpaid care work within the household, the immediate community (civil society), the market (private sector) and the state authority (central and local governments).


Извор: WUNRN – 16.11.2016




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