Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Report on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Work - Women with Disabilities & Work

Report on the Right of Persons with Disabilities to Work: Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
(An easy to read version)  

Direct Link to Full 24-PAGE Publication: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Disability/SubmissionThematicStudy/StudyEasytoRead_en.pdf

This report is about the right of persons with disabilities
to work.

Work is important.

  • When you work, you get paid. This means you have money to pay for food, clothes, housing and other things you need.
  • At work, you can learn new skills or get better at things you already know.
  • When you work, you take part in the community. You help to make the life of the community better.


Backlash against women’s rights progress hurts us all – Zeid

Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein 
International Women’s Day, 8 March

GENEVA (8 March 2017) –Today we honour the human rights struggle of millions of women who have demanded respect for their rights and the rights of others. The women’s movement has brought about tremendous change but we must also recognise that progress has been slow and extremely uneven.

Progress has also brought its own challenges. In too many countries, we are now seeing a backlash against women’s rights, a backlash that hurts us all. We need to be alert - the advances of the last few decades are fragile and should nowhere be taken for granted.


Glossary on Gender Issues - IFAD

IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development

Direct Link to Full 44-Page 2017 IFAD Glossary:


IFAD is firmly committed to empowering women and to working with families, communities and countries to build gender equality at every level. In 2012 the Executive Board approved the IFAD Policy on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment. The policy is central to the overall goal of IFAD's Strategic Framework – enabling poor rural women and men to improve their food security and nutrition, raise their incomes and strengthen their resilience.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар