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Извор: fiscaltransparency.net – 28.02.2017

Local Aid Agencies' Concern on Receiving Very Small % of Humanitarian Aid Funds - Gender

By Louise Redvers – 27 March 2017

Donors and UN agencies who agreed to provide at least one quarter of humanitarian aid funding "as directly as possible" to local NGOs are struggling to deliver on their pledge.

Nearly one year after the commitment made at the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016, signatories of the so-called Grand Bargain, a package of reforms to emergency aid delivery and financing, have yet to agree on three key points: the definition of “local”, what should be counted in the 25 percent, and how direct is “directly”.

The target is a response to the recognition that a small handful of large UN agencies and international NGOs receive the lion’s share of all international humanitarian funding, leaving local agencies feeling misused, unfairly exposed to risk, and unable to mature institutionally.


EU Austerity Policies May Be More Focused More on Budgetary Discipline than on Economic, Social, & Cultural Rights, Especially for Negative Impacts on EU WOMEN

Austerity policies have all too often gone hand-in-hand with undermining economic, social and cultural rights, while at the same time increasing inequalities in income and wealth within the European Union and its member States.

February 23, 2017 - This is one of the main conclusions highlighted by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky (from Argentina), the Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States on the full enjoyment of all human rights, in his report (A/HRC/34/57/Add.1) to the UN Human Rights Council, which meets here from 27 February to 24 March.

The Independent Expert had conducted an official visit to Brussels from 30 May to 3 June 2016, focusing specifically on the response of the European Union to the sovereign debt crisis that affected several member States and its impact on the enjoyment of human rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights.


CEDAW & Nationality Laws Guide

05 April 2017 - This reference guide highlights key international human rights provisions found in CEDAW that are relevant to women’s nationality rights and individuals affected by gender discrimination in nationality laws, including stateless persons. It is addressed to all stakeholders who may wish to use this international human rights instrument to advance gender equal nationality rights and improve the enjoyment of human rights by affected persons.





Nationality laws determine the ability to acquire, change, and retain one’s nationality and to confer nationality on children and spouses. 26 countries deny women the ability to confer nationality on children on an equal basis with men. Over 50 countries maintain other gender discriminatory provisions in their nationality laws. CEDAW primarily addresses nationality rights through two provisions, including through its provisions on non-discrimination (Article 2) and equal nationality rights between men and women (Article 9). In many contexts, gender discrimination in nationality laws results in or is linked with violations of social, political and economic rights.

Извор: WUNRN – 07.04.2017


Discrimination against women with regard to health and safety

Pre-Report Questionnaire by UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law & Practice - RESPONSES from Member States & Other Stakeholders

To inform its thematic report, the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice circulated a questionnaire about “Non-discrimination and equality with regard to health and safety”. Responses were received from different stakeholders, including Members States, civil society organizations and other actors, and contributions on issues related to the theme, submitted by several partners.

Thematic report on Health and Safety, to be presented at the 32th session of the Human Rights Council (June 2016) - A/HRC/32/44




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