Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Child Marriages - European Parliament & Experts Address

Mauritania/Malian refugee/ Fati, 13, poses for a picture in Mbera refugee camp, 50 km away from the Mali border, on 13 February 2013. Fati arrived to the camp in October 2012, when she was six months pregnant along with her husband. ©UNHCR/B.Malum

April 12, 2017 - One in every three girls in developing countries is married before turning 18, and one in nine before 15. Child marriages limit future prospects as children are usually forced to drop out of school. Girls also face dangerous complications from pregnancy and childbirth, the leading causes of death among adolescent girls in developing countries. They are also at great risk from suffering abuse.

On 11 April Parliament's women's rights and human rights subcommittee discussed the issue with experts.


Closing the Gender Gap - Advancing Equality through International Institutions

By Barbara Adams and Karen Judd.

April 10, 2017 - Almost 22 years have passed since the Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing, marking a turning point for women’s rights activists around the world. For many, the approved Declaration and Platform for Action represented a moment of vindication for the rights, living experiences, and human dignity of women everywhere. But the promises made in Beijing regarding the indivisibility of human rights, gender equality, and the empowerment of women and girls were not fulfilled, and it is in the socioeconomic field where this deficit strikes one of its hardest blows.

The economic system of neoliberalism does not take into consideration the disadvantages faced every day by women, especially by those from the most vulnerable sections of society: women of color, working women, women in poverty, migrants, and elders. In fact, it rather deepens existing inequalities and power disparities. Austerity measures taken against vital services—such as childcare, transportation, health, education, and other social services—affect women in particular, exacerbating the differences imposed by a gendered division of labor and relegating women’s role in the formal economy.


Open Data #Infographic - 2 Case Studies

From PDFs to Corrective Action: Kenya’s Journey Opening Budget Data. CHECK THE FULL STUDY:bit.ly/1VOqGmE • How Can Open Budget Data Help - One of the Most “Corrupt Cities” in the U.S.? • Using Open Budget Data - to Bring Oversight to NYC Citizens. CHECK THE FULL STUDY: bit.ly/2bTey2W 


Извор: fiscaltransparency.net  


Open Budget Data for What?

#Infographic. We asked Open Knowledge and the Digital Methods Initiative to map the world of definitions, best practices and actors associated with open budget data and here is a snapshot of what we found! CHECK THE FULL STUDY: bit.ly/2aYfChi 


Извор: fiscaltransparency.net  




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар