Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








European Immunization Week 2017 - 24–30 April 2017

European Immunization Week (EIW) is celebrated across the European Region every April to raise awareness of the importance of immunization for people’s health and well-being. Under the slogan "Vaccines work" EIW 2017 will focus on the need for and benefits of immunization at every stage in life.


Извор: Светска здравствена организација - 20.04.2017


State of Crisis: Meeting Sexual & Reproductive Health Needs of Women in Humanitarian Situations

Fatatima* plays with her son, Mouath* in their makeshift home in the Ketermaya refugee camp, outside Beirut, Lebanon.Over 50 Syrian families have found safety and temporary shelter for last year and half in the refugee camp. (The families requested not to use their names because of security concerns) // Photo © Dominic Chavez/World Bank

March 20, 2017 - Sneha Barot, Senior Policy Manager,Guttmacher Institute


Over the last couple of years, the images and stories of those fleeing civil war in Syria—where conflict has displaced nearly half of the country’s population1—have placed a spotlight on the intense human suffering faced by those in humanitarian crises. Globally, more than 65 million people in 2015 endured forced displacement by conflict and persecution—a record high.2 Those forced from their homes are caught in humanitarian and crisis situations encompassing a range of human-made and natural emergencies, including armed conflict, political instability, natural disasters, epidemics and famine—which are often multiplied and compounded. Those from poor and fragile states with limited ability to carry out basic governance functions are even more prone to the effects of disasters and crises.


Climate Change Is A Feminist Issue

IMAGE CREDIT: CC/Flickr – Annette Bernhardt

By Linnea Engstrom  - MEP for Sweden’s Green Party and Vice-Chair of the EP Committee on Fisheries

11 April 2017 - Climate change is the single most pressing global injustice facing present and future generations, and one of the greatest human rights challenges of our time.

But climate change is not gender neutral. Women are disproportionately affected by climate change, but only a small part of climate funding is allocated specifically to the needs of women in the most affected countries.

And while there is a gender gap on climate funding, there is also a gender gap when it comes to the increasing problem of climate change denial.


Dignity: Journal on Sexual Exploitation & Violence - Volume 2, Issue 1 2017

Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence is an open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing original articles related to dignity, sexual exploitation, and violence.

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2017)

Editor-in-Chief - Donna M Hughes



Women, Migration, and Prostitution in Europe: Not a Sex Work Story
Anna Zobnina


Denial of Harm: Sex Trafficking, Backpage, and Free Speech Absolutism
Jody Raphael


UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders Report to the Human Rights Council 2017 - Serious Challenges - Women Human Rights Defenders

UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders – Website: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/SRHRDefenders/Pages/SRHRDefendersIndex.aspx


http://ap.ohchr.org/documents/dpage_e.aspx?si=A/HRC/34/52 – Click to Website and Go to Column on Right and Click on the UN Language Translation of Choice for the Full 19-Page 2017 Special Rapporteur Report

After spending the past three years travelling around the world and documenting the situation of human rights defenders, the Special Rapporteur is more appalled than ever to see attacks against them multiplying everywhere, assailing bloggers, indigenous peoples, journalists, community leaders, whistle-blowers and community volunteers. Furthermore, the Special Rapporteur has become convinced that the incidents in question are not isolated acts but concerted attacks against those who try to embody the ideal of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in a world free from fear and want.




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