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ILO-Gallup Report: Globally, Most Women Prefer to Be Working & The Majority of Men Agree

Towards a Better Future for Women & Work: Voices of Women & Men

New landmark report clearly shows that concerns regarding gender equality and achieving a better work-family balance resonate around the world.

Direct Link to Full 220-Page 2017 Report: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_546256.pdf

GENEVA/WASHINGTON (ILO news – Gallup) - The ILO-Gallup report, “Towards a better future for women and work: Voices of women and men”, provides a first-ever account of global attitudes and perceptions of women and men regarding women and work. The results come from the Gallup World Poll which was conducted in 142 countries and territories and surveyed almost 149,000 adults. It is representative of more than 99 per cent of the global adult population.

The findings are revealing: a total of 70 per cent of women and a similar 66 per cent of men would prefer that women work at paid jobs. Each of these figures are more than double the percentages of those who would prefer women to stay at home. Women worldwide would prefer to be either working at paid jobs (29 per cent)[1] or be in situations in which they could both work and take care of their families (41 per cent), according to the joint ILO- Gallup report. Only 27 per cent of women want to stay at home.


Serious Retreats In Indigenous Rights Protection, Says UN Rapporteur – Indigenous Women

UN Photo/Mark Garten

By Tharanga Yakupitiyage

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 26, 2017 (IPS)- As the 10-year anniversary for the Declaration on Indigenous Rights approaches, UN indigenous rights activists came together to assess the many challenges that still remain on the ground.

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted in 2007, is the first of its kind to recognise and highlight the importance of indigenous rights.

“The UN Declaration is a declaration that contains the collective nature of the rights of indigenous peoples. (It) is meant to bring about remedies to kinds of historical and current injustices that indigenous people suffer,” said UN Special Rapporteur Victoria Tauli-Corpuz during a press briefing on 26 January.

Though it is not legally binding, the declaration guarantees indigenous groups rights to self-determination, land, and to live free from any kind of discrimination.


Dignity Journal on Sexual Exploitation & Violence - Volume 2, Issue 1

Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence is an open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing original articles on topics related to dignity, sexual exploitation, and violence.

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2017)



Women, Migration, and Prostitution in Europe: Not a Sex Work Story
Anna Zobnina




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