Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Guide to Reporting on Civic Space - Media Toolkit - Gender

Guide to Reporting Civic Space: Media Toolkit

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all people, everywhere in the world, have the right to speak out, to organise, and to take action. These rights – the freedoms of association, assembly and expression - give us the freedom to form and join groups, peacefully protest, and advocate for the things we want – and to counter the things we don’t. These freedoms are called `civic space’ and are an essential part of a vibrant democracy; where debate and discussion thrive, and where people are able to contribute to important decisions that affect them.


Women & Girls 1/3 of World’s Drug Users, But Only l/5 of Those Receiving Treatment

ROME/VIENNA, Mar 7 2017 (IPS)- Women and girls comprise one-third of global drug users yet are only one-fifth of those receiving treatment, a UN-Backed independent expert body warned.

Citing a significant rise over the past year in the number of women dying from drug overdoses globally, the Vienna-based International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) warned that women and girls comprise one-third of global drug users.

“Yet [they] are only one-fifth of those receiving treatment, as significant systemic, structural, social, cultural and personal barriers affect women’s ability to access substance abuse treatment.”


Inclusive Families: Realising Gender Equality, SRHR (Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights) & Human Rights

The definition of “family” has been constantly changing and evolving over the decades, with many types including single couple households, female-headed households, and polygamous family now present in modern society. However, the classical definition, the “traditional family” or “nuclear family” – which refers to a gender conforming unit comprising a heterosexual man and woman who are legally married – remains the form that is universally espoused by culture, patriarchy, and religion.


Women Make the News - Gender Equality Check-Up!


Gender Equality Checkup

As part of Women Make the News 2017, we are encouraging you and your organisation to take part in the Gender Equality Checkup, which looks at stereotypes in the way news is presented and also asks questions about gender in the workplace.

The idea is simple – those at every level of news media production can take time to reflect on the issues around gender by taking the Gender Equality Checkup in two key areas – Workplace Operations and Content & Portrayals:

Section A: Workplace Operations




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

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