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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Attacks Against Women Health Workers Show How Workplace Violence Hurts Us All

Nurses and caregivers join a national strike in Auckland, New Zealand - Photo: Flickr/Simon Oosterman. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Some rights reserved.

Violence in the health sector, where a majority of workers are women, accounts for a quarter of assaults at work – impacting societies at large.

The worldwide #MeToo movement has revealed how sexual harassment and assault are part of most women’s professional lives. However, we must not overlook other forms of violence that women suffer at work – and how this affects society at large. The experiences of emergency nurses and other health workers, a majority of whom around the world are women, shows this clearly.


Australia - National Survey on Sexual Harassment in Workplaces - Widespread & Increased

Australia Human Rights Commission

The Australia Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins, has released findings of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s report Everyone’s Business: Fourth national survey on sexual harassment in Australian workplaces, confirming that workplace sexual harassment in Australia is widespread, pervasive and has increased significantly in the last six years. Jenkins said, “One in three people surveyed told us they have experienced been sexually harassed at work in the last five years…Almost two in five women and just over one in four men said they have been…These figures are unacceptable…We know from our research that many people are afraid to report their experiences of unwelcome sexual conduct out of fear that they won’t be believed, that it’s not worth it, that they’ll be ostracised, and that it could damage their career,” Jenkins said.

Direct Link to Full 188-Page 2018 Report:



Соопштение - Народниот правобранител со укажувања се справува со дискриминација и вознемирување

Во месец октомври до Народниот правобранител поднесена беше претставка против Министерството за внатрешни работи за случај на дискриминација и вознемирување од страна на гранични полициски службеници врз основа на родов идентитет. Во случајот се работи за две транс жени од Турција кои биле вознемирувани од страна на граничната полиција по нивното слетување на аеродромот во Скопје. Двете транс жени ја имаат започнато транзицијата и изгледаат како типични жени, но ознаката за пол на пасошите е „М“ поради несоодветната законска рамка во Турција која го отежнува правното признавање на родот. На аеродромот во Скопје тие се соочиле најпрво со низа прашања околу престојот и причината за посета на Македонија, а потоа полициските службеници ги викале своите колеги без никаква потреба, им ги гледале пасошите, зјапале во жените и им се смееле. Еден од службениците на едната трансжена ѝ кажал дека бил во Истанбул и видел „луѓе како неа“.


Ten threats to global health in 2019

The world is facing multiple health challenges. These range from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles and diphtheria, increasing reports of drug-resistant pathogens, growing rates of obesity and physical inactivity to the  health impacts of environmental pollution and climate change and multiple humanitarian crises.   

To address these and other threats, 2019 sees the start of the World Health Organization’s new 5-year strategic plan – the 13th General Programme of Work. This plan focuses on a triple billion target:  ensuring 1 billion more people benefit from access to universal health coverage, 1 billion more people are protected from health emergencies and 1 billion more people enjoy better health and well-being. Reaching this goal will require addressing the threats to health from a variety of angles. 

Here are 10 of the many issues that will demand attention from WHO and health partners in 2019. 




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