Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Critical Role of Civil Society in Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

OSCE – Organization for Security & Co-operation in Europe

Arguing that the inclusion of civil society is essential for the implementation of any viable strategy to combat human trafficking, this publication can serve as an additional tool to assist the OSCE participating States strengthen their responses to trafficking in human beings, especially in the area of partnerships as a fundamental component of an effective anti-trafficking system.

Direct Link to Full 64-Page 2018 Publication:



Women in the Workplace 2018 Report

“Now companies need to take more decisive action. This starts with treating gender diversity like the business priority it is, from setting targets to holding leaders accountable for results. It requires closing gender gaps in hiring and promotions, especially early in the pipeline when women are most often overlooked. And it means taking bolder steps to create respectful and inclusive workplaces. Everyday discrimination, which women of color and lesbian women are more likely to face, and sexual harassment have no place in today’s workplace. All women—and all employees—should feel safe and supported at work.”

Direct Link to Full 36-Page WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE 2018 Report:



Child Mortality - Levels & Trends - 2018 Report

This report is the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation 2018 estimates on child mortality among children under age 5 and children aged 5-14. Despite progress over the past two decades, in 2017 alone, an estimated 6.3 million children and young adolescents died, mostly from preventable causes. Globally, the majority of child and young adolescent deaths occur at the youngest ages, with the risk of dying highest in the first month of life.

While the chances of survival have increased for all age groups since 2000, progress was uneven. The largest improvements in child survival for children under 5 years of age occurred for children aged 1−4 years – mortality in this age group dropped by 60% from 2000 to 2017. Post-neonatal mortality, or mortality among children aged 1−11 months, declined by 51%, neonatal mortality declined by 41% and mortality among children aged 5−14 declined by 37% over the same period. The largest gains in the survival chances for children aged 1−4 have occurred primarily since 2000.




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Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

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