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Public Good or Private Wealth - Gap Between Rich & Poor, Between Women & Men

In its “Public Good or Private Wealth” Report, Oxfam noted that the 26 richest billionaires on Earth now own as much wealth as the poorest 3.8 billion humans combined—half the global population……” Women suffer the most, and are left to fill the gaps in public services with many hours of unpaid care.”

Direct Link to Full 106-Page 2019 Oxfam Report


Universal health, education and other public services reduce the gap between rich and poor, and between women and men. Fairer taxation of the wealthiest can help pay for them.


Limiting Women in the Workplace Is Costing $ Trillions

Katja Iversen, CEO/President, Women Deliver

Countries are missing out on a smart and simple solution, with a massive return on investment: Women.

21 January 2017 - In an era of rapidly changing economies – clean energy, cryptocurrencies, and emerging markets – countries are missing out on a smart and simple solution, with a massive return on investment: women.

This missed opportunity is costing us. The World Bank estimates that nations leave $160 trillion on the table by keeping women from fully participating in national economies. Three factors drive these losses: women participate at lower rates in the labor force, work fewer hours, and are generally paid less than men.

This problem will not solve itself. On December 18, the World Economic Forum (WEF) reported that progress on gender equality is stagnating as women’s participation in the workforce and politics has stalled. As global leaders prepare for the next WEF Annual Meeting, it’s time to flip this script.


The Future of Work - Human-Centered - Universal Labour Guarantee - Gender Equality +

22 January 2019 - A Universal Labour Guarantee, social protection from birth to old age and an entitlement to lifelong learning are among ten recommendations made in a landmark report by the International Labour Organization’s Global Commission on the Future of Work.

Among the 10 recommendations are:

  • A universal labour guarantee that protects fundamental workers’ rights, an adequate living wage, limits on hours of work and safe and healthy workplaces.

  • Guaranteed social protection from birth to old age that supports people’s needs over the life cycle.

  • A universal entitlement to lifelong learning that enables people to skill, reskill and upskill.

  • Managing technological change to boost decent work, including an international governance system for digital labour platforms.

  • Greater investments in the care, green and rural economies.

  • A transformative and measurable agenda for gender equality.

  • Reshaping business incentives to encourage long-term investments.


Universal Health Coverage, Gender Equality & Social Protection: A Health Systems Approach

Authors: Gita Sen, Veloshnee Govender and Salma El-Gamal - Publisher: UN Women - Date: December, 2018

This paper is one of two background papers commissioned by UN Women for CSW 63 (March, 2019) on “Social Protection Systems, Access to Public Services and Sustainable Infrastructure for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls”. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a key component of social protection as defined by the ILO. Based on an analysis of country experiences, the paper asks whether UHC policies have led to reduced gender inequalities. Examples are given of UHC reforms that have paid explicit attention to gender and inequalities in design and implementation.


Global Wage Report 2018/19: What Lies Behind Gender Pay Gaps


This report examines the evolution of real wages around the world, giving a unique picture of wage trends globally and by region.

The 2018/19 edition analyses the gender pay gap. The report focuses on two main challenges: how to find the most useful means for measurement, and how to break down the gender pay gap in ways that best inform policy-makers and social partners of the factors that underlie it. The report also includes a review of key policy issues regarding wages and the reduction of gender pay gaps in different national circumstances.

Direct Link to Full 172-Page ILO 2018/2019 Report:


Executive Summary – 8 Pages: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_650568.pdf


Извор: WUNRN – 17.01.2019




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