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Political Power of Women Suffering "Serious Regression:" UN General Assembly President Warns

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

A high-level event on “Women in Power” was held in the General Assembly hall as part of the 63rd Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), 12 March 2019.

12 March 2019 - There has been a “serious regression” in the political power of women across the world in recent years, UN General Assembly President María Fernanda Espinosa told delegates to the annual summit of women activists at UN Headquarters in New York on Tuesday.

The former Ecuadorian Minister of Foreign Affairs who leads the 193-member world body, pointed out that in 2105 it would have taken 30 years to close the gender gap, but now, she told the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), if current trends continue, gender parity will not be reached for “107 years”.

She commended the under-appreciated women of past who “were made invisible, erased from history”, saying they “have been protagonists in the destinies of entire nations; of culture and political thinking; science and innovation; and the most significant social changes”.


Cyberbullying & Young Women

EIGE – European Institute for Gender Equality

Cyberbullying restricts the opportunities offered by digitalisation. Young people, especially women are put off from taking part in political discussions or online debates. After witnessing or experiencing online hate speech or abuse, one young woman out of two (51 %) and 42 % of young men hesitate to engage in social media debates.

Извор: WUNRN – 13.03.2019

EU - Intersecting Inequalities - Gender Equality Index 2019

The Gender Equality Index incorporates six core domains – work, money, knowledge, power, time and health – with two additional domains of violence and intersecting inequalities. The core domains measure gender gaps in different areas of life and form the basis of the calculation of scores for Member States, while the domain of intersecting inequalities adds further detailed understanding to gender inequality by acknowledging the diversity among women and men.



Women, Business & The Law 2019 - Measuring Gender Equality in The Law



BY SARAH IQBAL & Rita Ramalho

February 27, 2019 - Do you think the world is becoming more equal for women at work? The recently published Women, Business and the Law 2019: A Decade of Reform gives us some insight. While achieving gender equality requires a broad range of efforts over time, the study focuses on the law as an important first step to providing an objective measure of how specific regulations affect women’s incentives to participate in economic activity.


Combatting In-Work Poverty - Compendium of Promising Practices - Gender

While employment can indeed shield those who can work from poverty, this only happens if quality work indicators are met, including a decent level of wages. EAPN members on the ground often witness the spreading of in-work poverty, that is, people experiencing poverty despite having a job. In fact, in 2017, 9.6% of the people in employment were living under the poverty threshold, corresponding to over 32 million workers at risk of poverty. In-work poverty increased by 1.1% at the EU-28 level between 2008 and 2017 (Eurostat 2018), a trend also acknowledged by the Annual Growth Survey 2019, and the Social Protection Committee Annual Report 2018. The rationale behind this Compendium is to draw from experience of people directly involved in these processes to offer an overview of what seems to be working in the fight against in-work poverty

European Anti-Poverty Network – EAPN




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