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Tackling Violence Against Women & Girls in the Context of Climate Change

Direct Link to Full 12-Page 2022 Publication:

Tackling-violence-against-women-and-girls-in-the-context-of-climate-change-en.pdf (unwomen.org)

Infographic: cc+vaw_Infographic-VFinal (unwomen.org)

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) and climate change are two of the most pressing global emergencies and sustainable development challenges of our time.

VAWG is the most widespread and pervasive human rights violation worldwide, affecting more than an estimated one in three women throughout their lifetime. Climate change is threatening our planet’s sustainability with devastating social, cultural, economic, health and human rights impacts, affecting women and girls disproportionately, especially the most marginalized groups. It is also a serious aggravator of the different forms of VAWG. The shadow pandemic of VAWG during COVID-19 exemplified the surge of violence that occurs during crises and disasters.


OECD - Women's Leadership in Environmental Action

OECD - The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Direct Link to Full 34-Page OECD 2022 Publication:

f0038d22-en.pdf (oecd-ilibrary.org)

Women’s participation in environmental decision-making is important for advancing both gender equality and environmental action. The presence of women in political decision-making is linked to more ambitious climate goals and policies. Women on corporate boards consistently prioritise environmental, social and governance issues, including climate and sustainability. In civil society, women around the world are creating powerful networks to combat environmental degradation and tackle climate-related inequalities. Despite these benefits, significant gender gaps in environmental leadership persist across countries and sectors, with some of the widest occurring in countries especially vulnerable to climate change and where its gender‑differentiated impacts are most acute. This paper reviews existing evidence on women’s environmental leadership in public governance, environmentally-sensitive industries, and civil society, and its impact on environmental outcomes in these sectors. It identifies potential policy actions as well as areas for further data collection and research.

Извор: WUNRN – 07.05.2022


Assessing Big Tech's Response to Online Violence Against Women Journalists

ICFJ – International Center for Journalists

Assessing Big Tech's Response to Online Violence Against Women Journalists

Direct Link to Full 35-Page May 2022 Publication:

UNESCO_GlobalStudy_chapt.4-platforms-vectors_V4.pdf (icfj.org)

New research from a UN study produced by ICFJ details how news organizations and big tech companies are failing to adequately mitigate and respond to online violence targeting women journalists – a global scourge with serious and far-reaching consequences. The researchers offer concrete recommendations to better safeguard women journalists, who face credible death threats, threats of sexual violence – including against their children – and large-scale coordinated online harassment designed to silence them and their reporting.

New research from a UN study produced by ICFJ details how news organizations and big tech companies are failing to adequately mitigate and respond to online violence targeting women journalists – a global scourge with serious and far-reaching consequences. The researchers offer concrete recommendations to better safeguard women journalists, who face credible death threats, threats of sexual violence – including against their children – and large-scale coordinated online harassment designed to silence them and their reporting.


Ending Gender Digital Divide Is Critical to Full Enjoyment of Women's Rights, Says UN Expert

Ending the gender digital divide is critical to the full enjoyment of women’s rights says UN expert | OHCHR

GENEVA (3 May 2022) – On World Press Freedom Day, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression Irene Khan urged States to protect women journalists from online and offline attacks, and social media companies to ensure that online spaces are free from discrimination and safe for all women.

Khan expressed deep concern at rising levels of online gender-based violence, gendered hate speech and disinformation that heighten the risk of physical violence against women journalists.

“Whether online or offline, those who threaten women journalists seek to intimidate and silence them, are putting media freedom, pluralism and diversity as well as the safety of the women themselves in danger,” said Khan.

“Independent, free, pluralistic and diverse media is essential for democracy. This creates an imperative and urgency for States and media outlets to work proactively to ensure women’s safety, equal participation and representation in the media sector.”


2022 UNESCO Global Gender Education Report: Deepening the Debate on Those Still Left Behind

Deepening the debate on those still left behind | Global Education Monitoring Report (unesco.org)

Scroll Down Website to Access Full 82-Page Online Report: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000381329

The 2022 Gender Report presents fresh insights on progress towards gender parity in education with respect to access, attainment and learning. It showcases the results of a new model that provide coherent estimates, combining multiple sources of information, on completion rates. It also reviews the results of learning assessments released over the past 18 months, which present an almost global picture of the gender gap in reading, mathematics and science achievement in lower and upper primary and lower secondary grades. They provide a baseline against which to assess the impact of COVID-19 on inequality when post-pandemic data start being released next year.

A companion to the 2021/2 GEM Report, it emphasizes the role of non-state actors in influencing gender inequality in and through education. Non-state actors have filled in provision gaps left by the public education system. The 2022 Gender Report presents evidence on gender gaps in the share of students enrolled in private institutions by sex and what drives these gaps in the various regions. It also provides case studies on the privatization of childcare in high-income countries, the impact of non-state faith-based schools in Asia on gender norms and the role of women’s universities around the world.

Извор: WUNRN – 02.05.2022




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