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Tackling Abuse of Older People + Synthesis Report on Ageing - Older Women


Article: https://www.un.org/en/observances/elder-abuse-awareness-day

Direct Link to Full 30-Page 2022 WHO Publication:

9789240052550-eng.pdf (who.int)

Direct Link to Full 7-Page UNECE Synthesis Report on Ageing:

G2230379.pdf (unece.org)\

Poverty in older age, especially among women, received significant attention as well and the existence of a gender pension gap was recognized as a serious shortcoming. Efforts were made by countries to compensate for and, importantly, also to prevent the emergence of a gender pension gap, through measures that compensate for pension contributions during periods of care work and through an enhanced drive to reduce the gender pay gap.

Извор: WUNRN – 16.06.2022


Gender & the World Trade Organization: Inclusive Trade & Gender Equality

GTC Letter to WTO MC12_2022 June.docx.pdf - Google Drive


Open Letter from the Gender and Trade Coalition to the Director-General and Honorable Delegates of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)

June 2022

We are writing to you on behalf of the Gender and Trade Coalition, a network of more than 300 women’s rights organisations and allies that puts forward feminist trade analysis and advocates for equitable trade policy, to share our concerns as we approach the 12th Ministerial Conference of the WTO (MC12).

We have been closely following the gender and trade initiative of the WTO, in particular the establishment of the Informal Working Group on Trade and Gender (WT/L/1095/Rev.1) on 23rd September 2020 and the “Joint Ministerial Declaration on Gender Equality and Women's Economic Empowerment within Trade" (WT/MIN(21)/4/Rev.1), which was released on 1stDecember 2021. Under the Declaration, the endorsing Member States agree to: 1) continue to  renew, develop and improve the collection of gender-disaggregated data; 2) utilize research initiatives to inform trade policy instruments and programmes; 3) explore and analyse a gender perspective and women's economic empowerment issues in the work of the WTO; and 4) promote and highlight the collaboration on trade and gender between relevant organizations and institutions in order to mainstream a gender equality perspective into Aid for Trade. We observe that the work carried out by the Working Group is done without any consultation with women’s rights and feminist constituencies. All other global multilateral institutions in which macroeconomic policy is shaped include such consultations.


New Law Raises the Legal Age of Marriage to 18 in England & Wales


Previously, people could get married at 16 or 17 as long as they had parental consent.

The new law also applies to cultural or religious marriages that are not registered with the local council.

Conservative MP Pauline Latham, who introduced the bill to Parliament, said it would "transform the life chances of many girls".

Under the new rules, children will not face penalties but adults who facilitate their marriage could face up to seven years in jail and a fine.

This would include adults who took children abroad to carry out the marriage.


The Impact of Marriage & Children on Labour Market Participation

Direct Link to Full 20-Page Report:


Until recently, reliable and consistent global data needed to explore the links between gender gaps in labour force participation, marital status and the presence of children were lacking. In response, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UN Women have partnered on a joint effort to produce a global dataset with new indicators that allows for the analysis of labour market outcomes from a gender and family perspective. The analysis, based on data from 84 countries, focuses on the ways in which the labour market participation of women aged 25 to 54 varies by marital status, household type and the presence and age of children. It also looks at the gender gap in labour force participation across these different categories and sub-categories. The findings point to persistent gender gaps in labour force participation globally and across regions. When the data are disaggregated by marital status and the presence of children, they show that marriage and childbearing often dampen women’s labour force participation, while having the opposite effect for men. The specific vulnerability faced by women is driven by discriminatory social norms and gender stereotypes that reinforce their role as caregivers, while simultaneously promoting men’s role as breadwinners.

Извор: WUNRN – 13.06.2022




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