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2022 High-Level Political Forum Position Paper for Rebuilding, SDG's, Rights of Women & Girls+

Direct Link to Full 67-Page 2022 High Level Political Forum Position Paper:

WMG HLPF Position Paper Final (womensmajorgroup.org)

By the end of this Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals, the Women’s Major Group hopes to reflect on this moment as the time when we rebuilt from COVID-19 by abandoning austerity, competition, and extractivist, exploitative, and patriarchal systems, and replaced them with feminist decolonial ethics of care, equality and abundance. By 2030, we have a vision in which we all celebrate, protect, and honor the full diversity of human life and the planet with a special focus on fulfilling the human rights of women, girls, and gender-diverse people. 

Извор: WUNRN – 06.06.2022


2021-2022 - Journalism Is a Public Good - UNESCO World Trends in Freedom of Expression & Media Development

Home | World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development: 2021/2022 Online Report (unesco.org)

Independent journalism is in peril, faced with increasing crackdowns on press freedom, ongoing threats against the safety of journalists, and the erosion of business models. In order to effectively respond to these urgent challenges, we must first understand them. The World Trends Report and the data and analysis it presents help move towards that understanding.

The newly released UNESCO World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development: Global Report 2021/2022 (161 Pages)analyses the state of media freedom, pluralism, independence, and safety of journalists over the past five years. The Report sounds the alarm on the worrying decline of press freedom levels around the world: data and original analysis confirms that 85 percent of the world’s population experienced a decline in press freedom in their country over the past five years. The Report also examines the impact of COVID-19 on already struggling news media environments, ranging from new restrictions on press freedom to failing traditional business models.


Loss & Damage from Climate Change - Gender

Women & Gender Constituency

Direct Link to Full 4-Page 2022 Document:

WGC_IssueBrief_LossDamage_EN.pdf (womengenderclimate.org)

Loss and damage is one of the most contentious issues related to climate change because of the question of responsibility for covering the costs. From super typhoons, hurricanes, flash floods and massive bushfires, countries hit by climate-related disasters have struggled to find resources to respond to the challenges of rebuilding and meeting the needs, especially of poor communities hit hard. The projected economic costs of loss and damage by 2030 is estimated to be between USD 290 and 580 billion in developing countries alone. Over 80% of people currently displaced by climate related events are women and girls (UN). Women, especially across the Global South, are hugely impacted due to the structural inequalities they face, in large part due to the prevalence of women’s unpaid care and domestic work.

Извор: WUNRN – 02.06.2022




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