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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








2022 State of World Population Report: The Case for Action in the Neglected Crisis of Unintended Pregnancy

Direct Link to Full 56-Page UNFPA 2022 Report: EN_SWP22 report_0.pdf (unfpa.org)

The number of unintended pregnancies that occur every year — 121 million, or 331,000 per day on average — represents a global failure to uphold a basic human right. And that failure is expected to grow. While recent data also show that, worldwide, the unintended pregnancy rate fell between 1990 and 2019 (Bearak and others, 2020), continued global population growth means that the absolute number of unintended pregnancies will keep rising without decisive action. Delivering the sexual and reproductive health services individuals and communities need will only become more difficult in the face of tectonic shifts like climate change, conflicts, public health emergencies and mass migration. These megatrends will test the capacity of health systems even as demand grows, especially in the world’s least-developed countries, where crises will be felt most acutely and where services and resources are already in critically short supply.


Извор: WUNRN – 30.06.2022


Internet Shutdowns - Serious Impacts on Human Rights - UN Report

FULL 17-PAGE 2022 Report

Link to Report in the 6 Official UN Language Translations:



Internet Shutdowns: UN Report Details ‘Dramatic’ Impacts on People’s Lives & Human Rights

GENEVA (23 June 2022) - The dramatic real-life effects of Internet shutdowns on people’s lives and human rights have been vastly underestimated, the UN Human Rights Office warns in a new report issued today. The report urges States not to impose Internet shutdowns.

“Too often, major communication channels or entire communication networks are slowed down or blocked,” the report says, adding that this has deprived “thousands or even millions of people of their only means of reaching loved ones, continuing their work or participating in political debates or decisions.”


Education Cannot Wait: 222 Million Crisis-Impacted Children in Urgent Need of Educational Support - New Study

UN: Education Disrupted for 222 Million Children (voanews.com)


“Around the world, 222 million children are having their education cruelly interrupted. We need governments, businesses, foundations & individuals to support the vital work of Education Cannot Wait. Help us place education within reach of every child, everywhere. Help us keep 222 million dreams alive.” ~ UN Sec-Gen António Guterres

 Website above offers article in English, French, Spanish, & Arabic

17 June 2022 – GENEVA - The United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), released a shocking new report today that indicates the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children requiring educational support has grown from an estimated 75 million in 2016 to 222 million today.


Climate Justice for Women & Girls: A Rule of Law Approach to Feminist Climate Action

IDLO – International Development Law Organization

Direct Link to Full 34-Page 2022 Publication: a_rule_of_law_approach_to_feminist_climate_action.pdf (idlo.int)

Women and girls have the right to effectively participate in and lead efforts to achieve climate justice. An explicitly feminist approach to climate change, based on the rule of law, is needed to ensure women’s inclusion in decision-making processes related to climate governance, equal access to justice, resolution of conflict over natural resources, and the enactment of inclusive and effective climate laws and policies.

IDLO’s Policy Brief Climate Justice for Women and Girls: A Rule of Law Approach to Feminist Climate Action highlights three key elements of a feminist approach to delivering climate justice:

  1. Empowering women and girls to claim their environmental rights and actively participate in decision-making processes
  2. Strengthening regulatory frameworks and institutional capacity for feminist climate action
  3. Enhancing women’s rights to land and other natural resources


Women & Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality

Direct Link to Full 204-Page WTO & World Bank Publication:


This report gathers new data to show how trade and trade policy can affect men and women differently — in terms of wages, consumption and welfare and in the quality of jobs available to them. New analysis based on these data suggests that expanding trade can act as an impetus for countries to improve women's rights and boost female participation in the economy.

Извор: WUNRN – 20.06.2022



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