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The Indigenous World 2020 - Report

Rising temperatures, unpredictable weather and shifting climate patterns, coupled with a global insatiable land rush, are increasingly straining the lands Indigenous Peoples have traditionally been caring for and defending. Throughout 2019, Indigenous Peoples also continued to be persecuted, threatened, criminalised and killed in their efforts to defend their rights. The 66 regional and country reports and 17 reports on international processes and initiatives covered in this edition underscore these trends.

Direct Link to Full 784-Page 2020 Report:


Извор: WUNRN – 26.05.2020


Caregivers Have Special Vulnerability & Challenges during COVID-19 - USA

Health care has become a high-risk job in the wake of the coronavirus. (Stephanie De Sakutin/AFP/Getty Images)

By Tonya Mosley & Serena McMahon

Many caregivers — much like workers at Life Care Center in Kirkland, Washington, where more than 20 people have died from COVID-19 — are supporting some of the most at-risk people, such as the elderly, those with preexisting conditions and people with disabilities. Oftentimes, these workers are going into people’s homes.

“While everybody else is running from the coronavirus, they're running towards it in terms of supporting one of the most vulnerable populations,” says Ai-jen Poo, director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance.

Home caregivers are on the frontlines of supporting people’s daily activities like bathing, moving, eating and administering medication.


Informal Women Workers - 3 Ways to Contain COVID-19's Impact on Informal Women Workers

Rachel Moussie & Silke Staab

18 May 2020 - Many developing countries have responded to COVID-19 with travel restrictions, lockdowns and curfews to protect the health of citizens and fragile health systems. But with measures to support livelihoods lagging behind, women and the poor are hit hard. During the Ebola crisis, travel restrictions severely impacted the livelihoods of women traders in West Africa, and while men’s economic activity soon returned to pre-crisis levels, the effects on women’s economic security lasted much longer. 

Even before COVID-19, women informal workers in low- and middle- income countries reported that childcare responsibilities limited their participation, productivity and earnings. Now, school closures have intensified their workloads and reduced earnings. Women workers in vulnerable employment have been the first to lose their incomes and will be among the last to recover. They may be less able to work as unpaid care demands increase and as public spaces become more unsafe. In India, for example, women farmers faced police harassment and violence as they tried to take their produce across state borders or between towns amid lockdowns.


COVID-19: G7 Nations Need to Get Gender Equality Right for a Better Future for Women at Work

ILOGENEVA (ILO News) – The International Labour Organization, UN Women and the European Union have called on G7 nations to put in place measures to promote gender equality amid the COVID-19 crisis

Fighting deep-rooted gender inequality must be part of countries’ responses to the pandemic crisis, says high-level meeting on the role of women in the post-COVID future.

14 May 2020 - At a virtual high-level meeting on COVID-19, bringing together government ministers, CEOs, business associations, trade unions, civil society, global women’s movements and academia from G7 countries, participants agreed that women’s economic empowerment should be part of the crisis response.

The pandemic has deepened pre-existing inequalities and exposed cracks in social, political and economic systems including access to health services and social protection. Women with care responsibilities, informal workers, low-income families, and youth are under particular pressure. Since the crisis began, there has been a significant rise in domestic violence.




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