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International Debt Statistics 2020

International Debt Statistics (IDS) is a longstanding annual publication of the World Bank featuring external debt statistics and analysis for the 122 low- and middle-income countries that report to the World Bank Debt Reporting System (DRS). The content coverage of this IDS includes:.1) a user guide describing the IDS tables and content, definitions and rationale for country and income groupings, data notes, and description of the additional resources and comprehensive datasets available to users online, 2) a brief overview analyzing global trends in debt stocks and debt flows to low- and middle-income countries within the framework of aggregate capital flows (debt and equity), 3) a feature story on lending by the World Bank in recognition of the institution's 75th anniversary, 4) tables and charts detailing debtor and creditor composition of debt stock and flows, terms volume and terms of new commitments, maturity structure of future debt service payments and debt burdens, measured in relation to GNI and export earnings for each country, and 5) one-page summaries per country, plus global, regional and income-group aggregates showing debt stocks and flows, relevant debt indicators and metadata for 5 years (2014-2018).


Извор: Светска банка - 06.2020


Coronavirus Global Response

The European Commission’s global pledging marathon steps up to the next phase and marks the beginning of a new campaign

The Commission’s global coronavirus response, with the aim of universal access to affordable coronavirus vaccination, treatment and testing, will now move to the next phase. What began on 4 May will culminate in a final Global Pledging Summit on Saturday 27 June. Together with ‌‌the international ‌‌advocacy ‌‌organisation ‌Global Citizen, the Commission will step up the mobilisation of funding to enable the world to overcome this pandemic and avoid another.

At this point, the Commission has registered €9.8 billion in pledges, beyond the initial target of €7.5 billion. This is a new stretch in trying to raise the considerable resources that will be needed for accelerating the development of new solutions and ensuring their universal and inclusive access. It means access everywhere, for everyone who needs them.

Watch the event in full


Извор:  Европска Унија – 06.2020


A Decade After the Global Recession

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the 2009 global recession. Most emerging market and developing economies weathered the global recession relatively well, in part by using the sizeable fiscal and monetary policy ammunition accumulated during the prior years of strong growth.  However, their growth prospects weakened since then, and many have less policy space.

A Decade After the Global Recession provides the first comprehensive stock-taking of the decade since the global recession from the perspective of emerging market and developing economies. Many of these economies have now become more vulnerable to economic shocks. The study discusses lessons from the global recession and policy options for these economies to strengthen growth and be prepared should another global downturn occur.


Special Series on COVID-19

The Special Series notes are produced by IMF experts to help members address the economic effects of COVID-19. The views expressed in these notes are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.


Извор:  ММФ – 05.06.2020


World Bank Group: 100 Countries Get Support in Response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Unprecedented Crisis Could Push Up to 60 Million into Extreme Poverty

WASHINGTON, May 19, 2020— The World Bank Group today announced its emergency operations to fight COVID-19 (coronavirus) have reached 100 developing countries – home to 70% of the world’s population. Since March, the Bank Group has rapidly delivered record levels of support in order to help countries protect the poor and vulnerable, reinforce health systems, maintain the private sector, and bolster economic recovery. This assistance, the largest and fastest crisis response in the Bank Group’s history, marks a milestone in implementing the Bank Group’s pledge to make available $160 billion in grants and financial support over a 15-month period to help developing countries respond to the health, social and economic impacts of COVID-19 and the economic shutdown in advanced countries.

“The pandemic and shutdown of advanced economies could push as many as 60 million people into extreme poverty – erasing much of the recent progress made in poverty alleviation,” said World Bank Group President David Malpass. “The World Bank Group has moved quickly and decisively to establish emergency response operations in 100 countries, with mechanisms that allow other donors to rapidly expand the programs. To return to growth, our goal must be rapid, flexible responses to tackle the health emergency, provide cash and other expandable support to protect the poor, maintain the private sector, and strengthen economic resilience and recovery.”




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