Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Coronavirus Global Response

The European Commission’s global pledging marathon steps up to the next phase and marks the beginning of a new campaign

The Commission’s global coronavirus response, with the aim of universal access to affordable coronavirus vaccination, treatment and testing, will now move to the next phase. What began on 4 May will culminate in a final Global Pledging Summit on Saturday 27 June. Together with ‌‌the international ‌‌advocacy ‌‌organisation ‌Global Citizen, the Commission will step up the mobilisation of funding to enable the world to overcome this pandemic and avoid another.

At this point, the Commission has registered €9.8 billion in pledges, beyond the initial target of €7.5 billion. This is a new stretch in trying to raise the considerable resources that will be needed for accelerating the development of new solutions and ensuring their universal and inclusive access. It means access everywhere, for everyone who needs them.

Watch the event in full


Извор:  Европска Унија – 06.2020




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