Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Донесен ребалансот на Буџетот 2020: Обезбедени средства за мерките за ревитализација на економијата

Владата го донесе ребалансот на буџетот за 2020 година чија цел е да ги финансира мерките за надминување на последиците од КОВИД-19 кризата и да го забрза процесот на опоравување на економијата. Министерката за финансии Нина Ангеловска, која заедно со заменик-министерката за финансии Ширет Елези, го презентираше ребалансот, рече дека новите мерки и активности ќе бидат катализатор, забрзувач на процесите во периодот на опоравување, кој треба да започне во третото тримесечје, а да се интензивира во четвртото тримесечје.

Приходната страна на буџетот со ребалансот се намалува за 11,5% и истата изнесува 196,8 милијарди денари, додека расходната страна се зголемува за 1,4% и истата изнесува 242,9 милијарди денари. Буџетскиот дефицит е проектиран на 6,8% и е во линија со проекцијата на Европската комисија.

Министерката за финансии, Ангеловска истакна дека на расходната страна се додаваат средства за соодветните КОВИД програми.


HealthBuddy: A new chatbot to engage with communities in Europe and central Asia on COVID-19

HealthBuddy, a multilingual interactive chatbot, is the newest tool to be launched as a resource for countries in Europe and central Asia in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The chatbot, developed by WHO/Europe and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO), will help countries in the region to access accurate information, and counter misinformation surrounding the virus.

The chatbot is now available for national authorities and public health institutions for tailored use in countries, including in local languages. It uses artificial intelligence to answer questions about COVID-19, and provides local information such as COVID-19 hotlines available in European and central Asian countries.


Women Garment Workers Face Destitution as COVID-19 Closes Factories

A woman sits near sewing machines as workers occupy a recently closed garment factory in Myanmar to demand their salaries. Photograph: Lynn Bo Bo/EPA

Call for fashion brands to protect workers in their supply chains globally as coronavirus causes orders to dry up

By Annie Kelly- 19 March 202

The fashion industry is facing calls to step in and protect the wages of the 40 million garment workers in their supply chains around the world who face destitution as factories close and orders dry up in the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Many factories in garment-producing countries including Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam are already closing due to a shortage of raw materials from China and declining orders from western clothing brands.


Striving for a European Union of Equality: The Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025

Concrete actions for equality 2020-2025

No EU Member State has so far achieved equality between women and men. The progress is slow while gender gaps persist in employment, pay, care and pensions. To bridge those gaps and allow Europe to reach its full potential in business, politics and society, the strategy outlines a set of key actions including: ending gender-based violence and stereotypes; ensuring equal participation and opportunities in the labour market, including equal pay; and achieving gender-balance in decision-making and politics.

  1. In the EU 33% of women were subjected to physical and/or sexual violence, while 55% were sexually harassed. Women in Europe must be free from violence and harmful stereotypes. To achieve this, the Strategy calls for legal measures to criminalise violence against women. The Commission intends in particular to extend the areas of crime where harmonisation is possible across Europe to specific forms of violence against women, including sexual harassment, abuse of women and female genital mutilation. In addition, the Commission will propose the Digital Services Act to clarify what measures are expected from platforms to address illegal activities online, including online violence targeting women.


A Double Pandemic: Domestic Violence in the Age of COVID-19

People look out of their apartment windows to show gratitude to health-care workers during the coronavirus outbreak in Madrid, Spain. Susana Vera/Reuters

By Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, CFR Expert & Alexandra Bro - May 13, 2020

Governments worldwide have imposed lockdowns to contain the coronavirus, but those same restrictions have increased the risks associated with domestic violence, especially for women, children, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Around the globe, governments have implored residents to stay home to protect themselves and others from the new coronavirus disease, COVID-19. But for domestic violence victims—the vast majority of whom are women, children, and LGBTQ+ individuals—home is a dangerous place.




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