Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Men as Perpetrators and Victims of Armed Conflicts

A more detailed analysis of various diverging war experiences of boys, male adolescents and men is essential for development cooperation in post-war societies and must be taken into consideration for project planning and implementation. Differentiated gender perspectives are required in order to put an end to tolerated, widespread gender-specific and sexualized violence. In addition, violence among male youth and men is a threat to often very fragile peace building processes. Many of them were ex-combatants or soldiers and most of them face an uncertain future and unemployment after their release. This study outlines the formation of the male identity before and after wars, thereby also touching on the problem of child soldiers. On the basis of country studies, projects and programs will be presented that have contributed to changes in behavior and attitudes among boys, adolescents and men after wars or armed conflicts. The research focuses on innovative approaches from African countries. Additionally, examples from other continents will be presented. The selection of projects and programs represents the priority and cooperation countries of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). Guidelines from the ADC and international treaties are referenced in detail. The many concrete examples draw on experiences at local, national and international level, as well as on theme-related studies from various organizations of the United Nations and numerous non-governmental organizations. Moreover, the study examines projects for education and awareness raising on masculine gender identity, sexuality, fatherhood and health. Noteworthy are also the cultural, media and sports programs for community building among youth. The powers of traditional, religious and local authorities are expounded through examples, as they can promote or interfere with change processes. Lastly, the study provides recommendations for the ADC. This study builds on previous work from the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC) on gender and children in armed conflicts.

 Source: VIDC – Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (Ed.)

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OECD reports to G8 on global system of automatic exchange of tax information


A new OECD report, A Step Change in Tax Transparency, prepared at the request of the G8 for the Lough Erne Summit, outlines four concrete steps needed to put in place a global, secure and cost effective model of automatic exchange of information. The report follows the G20 Finance Minister’s endorsement in April 2013 of automatic exchange of information for tax purposes as the expected new standard. It says because tax evasion is a global issue, the model needs to have worldwide reach to avoid merely relocating the problem elsewhere. The process also needs to be standardised to minimise costs for businesses and governments and to improve effectiveness.

The four steps are: (i) enacting broad framework legislation to facilitate the expansion of a country’s network of partner jurisdictions; (ii) selecting the legal basis for the exchange of information; (iii) adapting the scope of reporting and due diligence requirements and coordinating guidance, and (iv) developing common or compatible IT standards. The report also provides potential timeframes for each step and notes that much of this work is already underway at the OECD. It also stresses that more and more jurisdictions are joining the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, which provides a legal basis for automatic exchange of information and underlines the role of the OECD's Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, which has been mandated by the G20 to monitor implementation of the new standard.




Committee to Consider Reports Presented by Cuba, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Cape Verde, United Kingdom, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women will hold its fifty-fifth session at the Palais des Nations in Geneva from 8 to 26 July, during which it will review reports presented by Cuba, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Cape Verde, United Kingdom, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on how they implement the provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. 

States parties to the Convention commit themselves to ending all political, economic, social, cultural, civil or other forms of discrimination against women.  The Committee, a 23-person expert body, monitors compliance with the treaty.  It assesses to what extent each State is meeting its obligations, and makes recommendations for the implementation of the Convention.

Source: UN office Geneva

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Progress on sanitation and drinking water 2013


This JMP 2013 update presents country, regional and global estimates for the year 2011. Since the JMP 2012 update, which presented 2010 estimates, results of 230 surveys have been added to the JMP database, bringing the total number of surveys in the JMP database close to 1700. As is to be expected from an annual update, the global estimates have hardly changed. Drinking-water coverage in 2011 remains at 89% – which is 1% above the MDG drinking-water target. In 2011, 768 million people relied on unimproved drinking-water sources. Sanitation coverage in 2011 was 64%. The world remains off track to meet the MDG sanitation target of 75% and if current trends continue, it is set to miss the target by more than half a billion people. By the end of 2011, there were 2.5 billion people who still did not use an improved sanitation facility. The number of people practising open efecation decreased to a little over 1 billion, but this still represents 15% of the global population.

 Source: World health organization

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Собранието го прими годишниот извештај за работењето и извршените ревизии на Државниот завод за ревизија во 2012 година

Како прилог на годишниот извештај до Собранието на РМ се доставени независни ревизорски извештаи на сметката на основниот буџет на заводот (631 – 09 и 637 10) и финансиските извештаи за Проектот за имплементација на систем за управување со ревизија за 2012 година, подготвени од Друштвото за ревизија ЦЕНСУМ ДООЕЛ Скопје. Исто така, доставен е и годишен извештај за спроведени активности и извршени ревизии во текот на 2012 година.

Извор: Собрание на РМ

Прочитај повеќе за извршените активности на ДЗР во 2012 година ...

Прочирај повеќе за наодите од спроведената независна ревизија ...



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