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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Street Harassment of Women - The Veil Is Not the Solution - Political Will to End Harassment Is the Solution!

The problem is that rather than acknowledging that street harassment is wrong and men should be stopped, we put the entire onus on women: Because men harass you, you should wear the veil.

Enum Naseer December 6, 2015

Iranian feminist scholar, Dr. Homa Hoodfar talks about the veil and the need for understanding the complexities of the ancient tradition.

Iranian feminist scholar, Dr. Homa Hoodfar, a professor of Anthropology at Concordia University (Canada), has worked extensively on gender and development in Muslim contexts and is the author of publications like The Veil in Their Minds and on Our Heads: The Persistence of Colonial Images of Muslim Women. She was in Lahore recently to attend an international conference of Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation (WELDD) programme organised by Shirkat Gah — Women’s Resource Centre. Here she talks to The News on Sunday about the veil and the need for understanding the complexities of the ancient tradition.


Poverty & (In)Equality - Women, Poverty, Inequality. Rights

UN Women – WOMEN & POVERTY - http://beijing20.unwomen.org/en/in-focus/poverty

When women are poor, their rights are not protected. They face obstacles that may be extraordinarily difficult to overcome. This results in deprivation in their own lives and losses for the broader society and economy, as women's productivity is well known as one of the greatest generators of economic dynamism.

Social Medicine Portal



Land Rights Security for Women - A Powerful Tool in the Challenges of Climate Change

The 4 Things You Need to Know about Women’s Land Rights

By Susan Markham, USAID’s Senior Coordinator for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

At USAID, we know that addressing gender issues is essential in our work to end extreme poverty and create resilient, democratic societies. Period. Women are key drivers of economic growth and must gain access to and control of capital, land, markets, education and leadership opportunities in order to build vibrant economies and respond to a swiftly growing population that must be fed.

But how do we get there? Land rights are integral to food security. Three of the recently endorsed Sustainable Development Goals - those on ending poverty, achieving food security, and empowering women - all spotlight land rights as measures of success. Numerous studies have shown that secure land rights are a vital part of an enabling environment that empowers women, promotes inclusive economic growth and reduces extreme poverty. Here are four things you should know about women, land and food:


Kosovo - Information Guide on Women & Men's Access to Property & Housing Rights

4 November 2015 - Legal framework in Kosovo provides equal opportunities for men and women in a wide range of property and housing related issues. In practice, challenges with implementing the laws and social norms that tend to favor men infringe upon women’s ability to equally enjoy their rights in this regard. This guide is designed for women who are interested in learning more about their own property and housing-related rights, and civil society organizations and municipal bodies to guide them in the provision of support and services to women on property and housing rights. It is also a tool aimed to inform both women and men on these issues and to provide a comprehensive mapping and contact details of main stakeholders at the municipal level where they can direct their questions and concerns.

Direct Link 2015 OSCE Publication


Извор: WUNRN – 07.12.2015


Manual For & About Women Human Rights Defenders: Gendering Documentation

"Don't treat me according to my appearance only; treat me like a human being". Credit: Front Line Defenders

Gendering Documentation: Manual For & About Women Human Rights Defenders

To mark International Women Human Rights Defender Day (29 November) and International Human Rights Day (10 December), the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition is introducing its new publication, “Gendering Documentation: A Manual For and About Women Human Rights Defenders”.

Direct Link to Full 4-Page 2015 Manual: http://www.omct.org/files/2015/12/23505/gen_doc_manual_final.pdf

The manual will be posted in pdf form in coming days on the website of the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition: www.defendingwomen-defendingrights.org




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