Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








EU Approach to Gender: Limitations & Alternatives

By Sophie Heine (2015-12-03)

In European Policy Briefs

For several decades, the European Union has been at the forefront of significant progress in the struggle towards equality between women and men, among others in the fight against sex-based discriminations. The contemporary EU approach to gender has however become much more interested in representations and social norms. This paper analyses this stance and highlights its deficiencies – more specifically, it looks at the flaws entailed in an excessive focus on “gender. »

Direct Link to Full 10-Page 2015 Policy Document: http://www.egmontinstitute.be/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/EPB40.pdf

(Photo credit: European commission)

Извор: WUNRN - 06.12.2015

The EU on Human Rights - Turning Words into Action - Gender?

This is a very serious and detailed document, with multiple references to HUMAN RIGHTS, but missing GENDER. It relates to an area far beyond the European Union countries, to the Enlargement Countries, MENA (Middle East & North Africa), Central Asia, and more. The challenges of implementing human rights requires specific wordage, monitoring, leverage, accountability, enforcement, and rising above vested private and political interests. The hope for women is more specific inclusion in the documentation and processes, and to see Rhetoric Become Reality in Human Rights for All, and indeed, for women and girls.  

There is hope that the European Union’s latest human rights and democratization initiatives have more bite than their predecessors. Not only are human rights violations going unpunished elsewhere, there’s also growing evidence they’re occurring within EU member states.

By Jacqueline Hale for Foreign Policy Centre (FPC) – 2 December 2015




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