Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








New Strategy on women’s health and well-being in the European Region

A new Strategy on women’s health and well-being in the European Region will be presented for adoption at the upcoming WHO Regional Committee for Europe. The strategy, which was developed through a series of consultations and with guidance from Member States, aims to inspire countries of the Region to improve women’s health and well-being in areas that go beyond reproductive and maternal health. It sets priority areas for action, in line with the policy framework Health 2020, and it provides guidance to help governments optimize their investment in girls’ and women’s health. As Crown Princess Mary of Denmark has said, "The evidence is sound; when we invest in girls and women society as a whole benefits."

Strategy on women's health and well-being in the WHO European Region

Извор: Светска здравствена организација - 30.08.2016

EU - Female Refugees & Asylum Seekers: The Issue of Integration - EP Study

Recently the UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)has again underlined that the most vulnerable groups requiring a prompt, coordinated, and effective protection response (UNHCR, UNFPA and WRC, 2016) are constituted by: all women (including single women travelling alone or with children, pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls, unaccompanied children, early-married girl children – sometimes themselves with new-born babies), persons with disabilities, and elderly men. Single adult refugee women constitute one of the most vulnerable groups of the whole refugee population because of the common lack of financial means, professional qualification, and family support.

Direct Link to Full 56-Page 2016 Study

Извор: WUNRN – 30.08.2016


Продолжува расправата за ребалансот на буџетот

Расправата за ребалансот во Комисијата за финансирање и буџет, според собранискиот деловник, може да трае десет дена.

Собраниската Комисија за финасирање и буџет денеска треба да ја продолжи расправата за новиот ребаланс на Буџетот за 2016 година со кој треба да се обезбедат дополнителни 2,240 милијарди денари за постојана резерва за надминување на последиците од поплавите во Скопско и Тетовско и да се изврши ревидирање на буџетскиот дефицит на ниво од четири отсто од БДП.

Расправата за ребалансот во Комисијата за финансирање и буџет, според собранискиот деловник, може да трае десет дена. На пленарна седница, пак, оваа точка е закажана за 19 септември.

Извор: МРТ – 31.08.2016

The 2016 edition of World Development Indicators is out: Three features you won’t want to miss

With over 1 million downloads last year, WDI is the most widely used dataset in ourOpen Data Catalog and it provides high-quality cross-country comparable statistics about development and people’s lives around the globe. You can:

WDI now includes 1,400 indicators for over 200 economies. While we update the WDI database quarterly and make historical versions available, this annual release of a new edition is an opportunity to review the trends we’re seeing in global development and discuss updates we’ve made to our data and methods.


Making politics work for development : Harnessing transparency and citizen engagement


Too often, government leaders fail to adopt and implement policies that they know are necessary for sustained economic development. They are encumbered by adverse political incentives, which prevent them from selecting good policies, and they run the risk of losing office should they try to do the right thing. Even when technically sound policies are selected by leaders, implementation can run into perverse behavioral norms among public officials and citizens, who seek to extract private benefits from the public sector. Such behavior might be supported by widespread beliefs that corruption is the norm. Even countries with low corruption and strong institutions experience problems of political incentives and behavior that prevent the public sector from solving shared problems. Ideological polarization among citizens and capture by special interests can lead to policy gridlock and the failure of the state to provide public goods, even in advanced economies. Even educated citizens can hold ideological beliefs about the role of public policy that lead them to deny technical evidence contrary to these beliefs.





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