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Women's Economic Empowerment in Agriculture - Power of Gendered Enterprise & Markets - Women Smallholder Farmers

Women’s economic empowerment in agriculture – OXFAM – Grow, sell, thrive

GEM: Power of gendered enterprise & Markets


For over twenty years, Oxfam has been developing approaches to address power imbalances between smallholders and other agricultural market actors. Working collectively increases the power of smallholders and so we support the organisational development of business enterprises, co-operatives and unions. We also facilitate multi-stakeholder platforms to influence local and national government, private sector companies, and other market actors, by showing both the specific and wider business and development benefits of investment in smallholder agriculture.

Programme Example

Over the past decade, we’ve developed a cotton textile supply-chain project in southern India. This combines activities such as training in sustainable organic farming practices, forming an 8,000-member community enterprise, and facilitating buying relationships with an international retail company and India’s largest cotton processor. In the project’s first seven years, the producers’ net profits from cotton sales grew by 112%.


Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery Report to the UN HRC 2016 - DEBT BONDAGE - Women

Trends in the prevalence of debt bondage - Global

9. Debt bondage occurs worldwide and is not confined to any one country or region and it occurs across various sectors of the economy. A global trend can be seen whereby vulnerable people, including those belonging to minority groups, indigenous people, women, children, people determined as being of low caste, and migrant workers, are disproportionately impacted by debt bondage. As will be discussed below, many victims of debt bondage face multiple and intersecting sources of discrimination which make them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.


41. Bonded labourers commonly belong to minority groups vulnerable to discrimination, such as certain racial groups, women, indigenous people, people of “low” caste and migrant workers. The discrimination suffered by these groups frequently prevents them from accessing education, health care, clean water and credit. Furthermore, demands from bonded labourers for fair treatment, or their resistance to exploitation, often cause them to face social sanctions and boycotts that further restrict their possibility of overcoming discrimination or of leaving the situation of bondage. The discrimination faced by bonded labourers comes in some cases not only from society at large but also from other members of the same minority groups.


Women & Girls Across the World Spend 200 Million Hours Every Day Collecting Water: UNICEF

August 30, 2016 - United Nations: Women and girls across the world collectively spend about 200 million hours every day collecting water which is a "colossal waste" of their valuable time, the UN children's agency has said of the activity which is a daily routine for millions of girls in India.

As World Water week kicked off on Monday, the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) highlighted the opportunity cost from a lack of access to water disproportionately falls on women and girls who collectively spend as much as 200 million hours - or more than 22,800 years - every day collecting this vital resource.

Representational image. Reuters - "Just imagine: 200 million hours is 8.3 million days, or over 22,800 years," Unicef's global head of water, sanitation and hygiene Sanjay Wijesekera said.

"It would be as if a woman started with her empty bucket in the Stone Age and didn't arrive home with water until 2016. Think how much the world has advanced in that time. Think how much women could have achieved in that time," he said.


Preventing Child Sexual Abuse - A Safer Family: A Safer World

Center for Sexual Assault & Traumatic Stress – U of Washington


This new resource, “A Safer Family. A Safer World” is designed for parents, caregivers, and other caring adults to help them prevent the sexual abuse of children. In this booklet, adults can learn how to…

  • Talk about healthy sexuality

  • Teach consent, boundaries and touching

  • Challenge society’s messages

  • Watch for signs of abusers

  • Respond if a child has been sexually abused

Click your choice of language to read the booklet:


Извор: WUNRN – 31.08.2016


Australia Elects First Aboriginal, Indigenous Woman to the House of Representatives

Linda Burney, the first indigenous woman to be elected to the Australian House of Representatives, has given her maiden speech highlighting her opposition to planned changes in the Racial Discrimination Act and sending a message of hope.

The Australian Labour Party member for Barton in New South Wales, who was elected on July 2, began her first speech by speaking in her native language, after being sung into parliament by Wiradjuri woman Lynette Riley, who had also made Burney a traditional cloak carrying images describing her story.

Speaking about the cloak, Burney said: “It charts my life. On it is my clan totem, the goanna (a lizard), and my personal totem, the white cockatoo. A messenger bird, and very noisy.”

Although Burney made her pride to represent indigenous people clear, she said “I will not be stereotyped.”

Burney used her maiden speech to decry moves by the conservative coalition to amend the Racial Discrimination Act.




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