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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








НОВ БУЏЕТСКИ КОЛАЧ: Дали поплавите ги потопија владините политики?

Со образложение дека се потребни пари за отштета на граѓаните по основ на поплавите, а само неполн месец откако Владата на странските пазари позајми 450 милиони евра преку издавање на Еврообврзница – се скрои нов, ребалансиран Буџет. Владата го достави во Собранието во пакет со предлогот за негово изгласување по итна постапка. Во Ребалансот на Буџетот се посочува дека ќе се обезбедат 36,4 милиони евра за отштета, иако претходно премиерот Емил Димитриев изјави дека за оваа намена се потребни 33 милиони евра.

“Со Измените и дополнувања на Буџетот на Република Македонија за 2016 година се обезбедуваат дополнителни средства во износ од 2.240 милиони денари за постојана резерва за надминување на последиците од настанатата елементарна непогода. Дополнителните средства наменети за санирање на штетите делумно се обезбедуваат со заштеди од одредени позиции кај буџетските корисници, а делумно со зголемување на буџетскиот дефицит“ – се вели во предлог Ребаланс на Буџетот.


Women Workers in the Informal Economy: Organizing for Change - Video & Resources

The majority of non-agricultural workers in most regions of the developing world work in the informal economy. When agriculture is added to that, the percentages are even higher. Importantly, in many countries, a higher percentage of women workers than men are engaged in the informal economy. 

Yet despite their numbers, the contributions of informal workers to cities, communities, and the economy as a whole are not well recognized.

Organizing gives the poorest segments of the working class – those working in the informal economy, especially women – a way to be heard by the decision makers who can affect their lives.

Informal workers are coming together to amplify their visibility, voice and power, and local organizations are uniting into federations and networks nationally, regionally and globally.


Why Are Women Left Out of Land Decisions, Despite Gender Equity Laws?

By Celine Salcedo-La Viña, Associate with the Associate with the World Resource Institute's Land and Resource Rights Project

On a hot morning in July 2015, members of the Dulangan Manobo indigenous tribe in the southern Philippines gathered at their community hall for a very important meeting. Many walked great distances to attend, knowing that the outcome would affect whether logging operations would continue on their tribe’s ancestral lands. The meeting was part of the government’s process of securing the tribe’s “free, prior and informed consent (FPIC)” to use their land, which is mandated under Philippine law.

While 232 participants showed up, including government representatives and tribal leaders, one particular group was noticeably scarce—women. Only 25 women attended, likely because it was the harvest season and they were busy in the fields. Those who were present were seated at the sides and the back of the hall, and said nothing during the entire proceedings. A similar scenario ensued at the second meeting a month later, and at a third meeting after that. 

When asked why they didn’t participate, women’s responses ranged from “our husbands are more appropriate to attend,” or “we can’t ask questions because we are just members and only the leaders can speak,” or “we were embarrassed to speak in front of outsiders.”


Migration Flows from Iraq to Europe: Reasons Behind Migration - Migrant Women – IOM

August 16, 2016 - In 2015, over one million migrants reached European shores after long, complicated and risky journeys. Iraqis represented the third largest group of migrants, with nearly 85,000 arriving to Greece by sea in the second half of 2015 alone.

IOM Iraq, as part of the larger IOM response to this unprecedented crisis, conducted research funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) to explore the trends and causes of Iraqi migration to Europe.

The report, “Migration Flows from Iraq to Europe: Reasons Behind Migration” consists of a qualitative research carried out through focus groups discussions with returnees from Europe who were willing to share their experience.


Women Refugees Trapped in Europe: Dignity Denied - Report

Women’s Link Worldwide has launched a report Trapped in Europe: Dignity Denied that includes testimonials of women refugees. The women’s stories, many of them traveling alone with small children, describe months or years of difficult, often dangers journeys, and now, daily life in makeshift camps without access to basics like adequate food, sanitation, water or safety. They tell of pregnant women terrified for their health because there is no medical care.

Direct Link to Full 52-Page 2016 Report: Trapped in Europe-WEB




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