Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Global Women's Health Index 2020

Direct Link to Full 112-Page 2020 Global Women’s Health Index:

Hologic_2020-Global-Women's-Health-Index_Full-Report.pdf (womenshealthindex.com)

Today, many women still face these and other fundamental health challenges, including cancer, reproductive health issues, sexually transmitted diseases and violence against them. To keep moving forward, and save more women’s lives, leaders and policymakers need to understand the realities of these women’s healthcare experiences. And to do that, they need access to robust, quality data that disaggregates this information by gender and exposes the inequities and what’s driving them.

Извор: WUNRN – 13.10.2021


Global Gender Media Monitoring Project Final Report

GMMP 2020–2021 Final report

Global Media Monitoring Project

Gender and related: Who makes #MeToo news?

GMMP2020.ENG_.FINAL_.pdf (whomakesthenews.org)

Website Offers Regional Reports & 141 Country Reports


In Many Rich Countries Covid-19 Has Slashed Life Expectancy to Below 2015 Levels

Last year only Danes, Norwegians and Finnish women enjoyed slight gains in longevity.

September 29, 2021 - The impact of covid-19 across countries is difficult. One reason is that official figures about virus-related deaths can be unreliable (our excess death model attempts to correct for this). Another is that mortality rates differ by age: the old are more likely to die from the disease than the young. So the effect of the virus on a country depends not only on mortality rates in each age group, but also on the age structure of its population.

One simple way to account for this is to look at life expectancy, the average number of years that a person can expect to live. To assess just how much damage the virus has done according to this measure, a team of researchers based across Britain, Denmark and Germany compared life expectancy in 28 countries and Northern Ireland before and after the start of the pandemic.


European Abortion Policies Atlas - September 2021

Direct Link to Full 2-PAGE Atlas:

ABORT Atlas_EN 2021-v8.pdf (ippfen.org)

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