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Elevating Gender Equality in COVID-19 Economic Recovery

An evidence synthesis and call for policy action

Direct Link to Full 41-Page Report:  Elevating-Gender-Equality-in-COVID-19-Economic-Recovery.pdf (genderequalitycovid19recovery.com)

By FP Analytics, the independent research division of Foreign Policy Magazine

The socioeconomic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has derailed progress toward gender equality globally. Studies from around the world reveal that women and girls are increasingly more likely to face poverty, economic insecurity, gender-based violence, and barriers to accessing critical health services. They are also disproportionately bearing the burden of increases in unpaid care and domestic labor due to a global contraction of the care sector. In the past, health crises and economic shocks have widely exacerbated gender inequities, and these setbacks have persisted largely because of recovery plans that ignore the differential needs that women face. As these gender-blind policies and interventions continue to fail women, so too do they impede greater economic recovery and growth.


Human Rights of Older Women: The Intersection Between Ageing & Gender

International Day of Older Persons – 1 October - https://www.un.org/en/observances/older-persons-day

Report by the UN Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of Human Rights by Older Persons

Website: https://www.ohchr.org/en/issues/olderpersons/ie/pages/ieolderpersons.aspx

Direct Link to Full 22-Page 2021 HRC Report:


Report in All 6 UN Official Language Translations:


Извор: WUNRN – 30.09.2021


Gender, Intersectionality & Covid-19

By Jenny Birchall

15 JULY 2021 - Over the last twelve months, a clear body of evidence has emerged to demonstrate the differing impacts of Covid-19 on women, girls, boys, and men. Across global regions, women have experienced substantial economic losses, hugely amplified unpaid care burdens, and a ‘shadow pandemic’ of violence. Girls forced out of education during the pandemic have experienced a range of negative impacts, including vulnerability to child marriage, abuse, and pregnancy. Out of school boys in fragile contexts have faced increased vulnerability to recruitment by armed groups. Meanwhile, commenters note that men’s higher Covid-19 mortality rates may be linked to harmful gender norms that impact negatively on men’s behaviour around health and risk.

However, what has also become increasingly evident is the importance of locating the gender impacts of the pandemic within a broader landscape of social and economic inequalities. Not all genders have been affected in the same ways. Approaches that recognise how gender intersects with biology, economic status, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, geography, immigration status, and religion or belief, as well as other factors such as employment, housing (and homelessness), and environmental and political factors, allow us to more completely understand how the pandemic has exacerbated and reinforced pre-existing inequalities, social norms, and socioeconomic differences.


Women in the Workplace Important Statistics

The pandemic has shaken up pretty much everything to do with work, including the way we interact in the office (or not), our career paths, and the daily routine of our family lives. Everything is uprooted and women have been affected in a multitude of ways.

While many things feel like they're 'on hold', it's an opportunity to understand what the world of work currently holds for women, and how we can shape it for the better as we aim towards the post-pandemic world. Some big changes have happened recently, and some of these trends might surprise you a little. Here are some women in the workplace statistics for 2021 and beyond.


COVID-19 Crisis & The Informal Economy - Gender - Report

WIEGO – Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing & Organizing

COVID-19 and the Informal Economy: Round 1 Global Summary | WIEGO

Direct Link to Full 28-Page WIEGO 2021 Report:

IDRC-WIEGO COVID-19 Study Round 1 Global Summary for web_0.pdf

The COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy Study is a WIEGO-coordinated 12-city longitudinal study that assesses the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on specific occupational groups of informal workers and their households, with a focus on domestic workers, home-based workers, street vendors, and waste pickers. It presents the key findings of the first round of the survey and interviews—conducted in June and July 2020  (mid-year)—across all 12 cities and accompanies Fact Sheets which provide city-level results in greater detail. A second round of field research will be conducted in June and July 2021 to measure the ongoing impacts of the crisis.




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