Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








2021 State of the World's Midwifery

The State of the World's Midwifery 2021 | United Nations Population Fund (unfpa.org)

The world is currently facing a shortage of around 900,000 midwives, with COVID-19 further exacerbating the situation as many have been redeployed to help plug vital gaps in other health services, according to a new United Nations report. Midwives do not just attend births, they also provide antenatal and postnatal care and a range of sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, detecting and treating sexually transmitted infections, and sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents, all while ensuring respectful care and upholding women’s rights.

Direct Link to Full 80-Page 2021 Report:



Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2021: COVID-19 Crisis - Demanding Justice Beyond Rhetoric

The scourge of COVID-19 struck an already stark reality of multiple inequalities – in households, across communities, in national context, and among countries. Its waves of devastation have exacerbated pre-existing conditions and disparities as well as creating new ones. This reality can be seen in the health numbers, the job numbers, in education, in hunger and in so many sectors. Attention to the debt burden unequally borne by countries has come to the fore but is being addressed with piecemeal relief measures for debt servicing not with the restructuring that a debt workout mechanism would bring. Furthermore, the over-reliance on a few pharmaceutical giants, their disproportionate benefits, financial and reputational, and the prevailing just-in-time business model have been ignored. While the exposure of inequalities

in fiscal space has spurred measures such as the new allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), these too are inadequate to the task of a just recovery and function within flawed global financial architecture. Ignoring the multiple warnings and manifestations over decades of the ecological and climate crises has scientists from around the world and the United Nations issuing a Code Red for humanity.


EU - Understanding European Union Action against Human Trafficking

Direct Link to Full 12-Page European Parliament Briefing Document:

Understanding EU action against human trafficking (europa.eu)

WUNRN invites you to visit and engage with WUNRN Europe Twitter at: https://twitter.com/wunrn_eu

Извор: WUNRN – 18.09.2021

Serious Lack of Social Protection - Gap Between Countries - Gender Disparity

World Social Protection Report 2020-22: More than 4 billion people still lack any social protection, ILO report finds

ILO World Social Protection Report 2020-22

More than 4 billion people still lack any social protection, ILO report finds

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed and exacerbated the social protection gap between countries with high and low income levels.




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