Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Report for the UN Human Rights Council 2017 - Women & Girls with Disabilities

UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Website:



C. Multiple and intersectional approach to support 42. In providing support to persons with disabilities, States need to acknowledge the different layers of identities within the disability community. Persons with disabilities comprise a very heterogeneous group with a wide range of impairments as well as identity markers such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, language, religion, national, ethnic, indigenous or social origin, age and other status. States need to address the specific support needs of individuals throughout their life cycle.


Legal Age of Marriage Around the World - Mapped

Picture: Indy100/Datawrapper.de

Around the world, children are taken from their families and married off against their will, often at the behest of their families.

Despite many nations introducing legal minimum age for marriages, many have exemptions when "parental consent is given", undermining national legislation.

Often there is inequality when it comes to the age at which girls and boys are respectively allowed to be married off.

Girls Not Brides is a campaign group committed to ending child marriage in the world.

Using their data, compiled from 2015 with updates from 2016, indy100 has created this series of maps.

Isis-controlled territory in Iraq and Syria has not been featured on these maps, but the age of marriage consent differs within those territories.


Морталитет од малигни неоплазми во Р. Македонија

Малигните неоплазми со учество од 20-25 посто се наоѓаат на второ место по причина за смрт во развиените земји во светот, веднаш по кардиоваскуларните болести, кои пак учествуваат со околу или над 50 во структурата на морталитетот. Ракот во моментот е одговорен за речиси еден од шест смртни случаи на глобално ниво. Секоја година кај повеќе од 14 милиони луѓе се дијагностицира рак, и оваа бројка се очекува да се зголеми на повеќе од 21 милиони до 2030 година.

Во Р. Македонија после болестите на циркулаторниот систем малигните неоплазми се втората најчеста причина за смрт. Во 2010 година од рак умреле 3705, а во 2015 година 3741 лицe, додека стапката на морталитет се движи од 180,3 на 100000 население во 2010 година до 180,7  во 2015 година.


Weakening of Human Rights Standards Requires Urgent Action

Photo: Astrud Lea Beringer/ FIAN International

FIAN International warns international human rights standards and coherence are undergoing a crisis that is spilling over into right to food and nutrition policy spaces.

December 10, 2016 – Sixty-eight years ago, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  This event would make way for other international and regional instruments and policy spaces to flourish and advance peoples’ rights. While advocating for and promoting human rights has always entailed scores of challenges, it has become even more complex since the 90’s. 

New governance structures have emerged and the private sector has gained ground in policy spaces, at the same time that public underfunding has become a chronic disease on the area. This combination is leading human rights systems and policy spaces such as the Committee on world Food Security (CFS) , to risk their integrity and ability to act according to their main mandate.


FGM - International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM - UN Women Statement

Statement by UN Women for the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, 6 February

While there has been an overall decline in the prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) across countries, this progress is likely to be offset by rapid population growth in countries where FGM occurs, unless efforts to eliminate the practice are renewed in light of recent research, and urgently stepped up. 

A 2016 report of the UN Secretary-General shows the single largest factor influencing the continuation of female genital mutilation to be the desire for social acceptance and avoidance of social stigma. The social norms, customs and values that condone FGM are multi-faceted, vary across countries and even between communities, and can change over time. This presents a powerful and complex challenge for all those engaged in the effort to end FGM.  

The importance of education to address negative social norms has been demonstrated in Egypt, where the reduction in the risk of girls undergoing FGM has been linked both to the educational attainment of their mothers, as well as of other women in their communities.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар