Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Recognising and Protecting Women Human Rights Defenders – Guide

Women human rights defenders continue to be at the forefront of so many human rights struggles across the world. In increasingly authoritarian contexts, their very work to confront oppressive, discriminatory structures and address human rights violations subjects them to increasing threats, attacks and violence. 

Three years ago States at the UN General Assembly agreed by consensus that the protection of women human rights defenders is of paramount concern. With the involvement of defenders themselves, the landmark resolution - 68/181 - effectively developed a roadmap that outlines practical steps that governments can undertake to ensure that the rights of women human rights defender in their countries are respected and protected. This resolution presents a tool for women human rights defenders to claim their rights and their protection needs. 

With the support of the City of Geneva, ISHR is pleased to bring resolution 68/181 out from the vaults through its new publication, Recognising and protecting women human rights defenders: A Rough Guide to UN General Assembly Resolution 68/181.


Implementing the New Urban Agenda - Support for the Urban Informal Economy - WIEGO

How Local and National Governments Can Support the Urban Informal Economy

More than 50 per cent of the urban work force in most developing countries is informal ‒ ranging from over 80 per cent in South Asia to over 51 per cent in Latin America.[1] With their work, urban informal workers make important economic, social, and environmental contributions to their cities and countries.

Yet despite their contributions, informal workers’ lives and livelihoods continue to be vulnerable for many reasons. Many myths about the informal economy prevail in the minds of city policymakers and the general public ‒ among them the notion that equates the informal economy with illegal activities. These misconceptions have influenced existing local legal frameworks and policies to the detriment of the livelihoods of informal workers. They have also permeated the visions of urban designers and policymakers as they define the future of cities.


Women in National Parliaments - Inter-Parliamentary Union


Situation as of 1st December 2016 

The data in the table below has been compiled by the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the basis of information provided by National Parliaments by 1st December 2016. 193 countries are classified by descending order of the percentage of women in the lower or single House. Comparative data on the world and regional averages as well as data concerning the two regional parliamentary assemblies elected by direct suffrage can be found on separate pages. You can use the PARLINE database to view detailed results of parliamentary elections by country.


Transnational Corporations Must Be Held ACCOUNTABLE for Human Rights Violations - Important to Women as Consumers, Workers, Citizens, Advocates +

By Claudio Schuftan MD*

Already the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 interpreted the issue as implying that no State, group or person has the right to engage in any activity aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. (Art.30)

* It is, thus, of the utmost importance that State (Country) parties ensure access to effective remedies to victims of corporate abuse of economic, social and cultural rights through judicial, administrative, legislative or other appropriate means. And no distinction is to be made between violations committed by a State, a physical person or a legal person. There is a ratified optional protocol pertaining to business enterprises operating abroad on this, but there are no means of enforcement since available means are not legally binding. Therefore, for now, norms applied to transnational corporations (TNCs) are merely voluntary codes, i.e., with no sanctions and no compliance --so impunity continues.


Gender Equality in the Classroom

This year, EIGE is putting the spotlight on gender equality in education. With three new studies already underway, EIGE is delving into the classroom to unearth some of the gender related challenges in education.

“Education and gender equality are very closely connected, with the classroom providing an ideal place to break-down gender stereotypes early on. However, educational settings can also reinforce them. For example, through textbooks which show women working in traditional roles, such as nurses and teachers and men working as engineers and scientists,” said Jolanta Reingarde, senior researcher at EIGE.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар