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Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Report for the UN Human Rights Council 2017 - Women & Girls with Disabilities

UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Website:



C. Multiple and intersectional approach to support 42. In providing support to persons with disabilities, States need to acknowledge the different layers of identities within the disability community. Persons with disabilities comprise a very heterogeneous group with a wide range of impairments as well as identity markers such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, language, religion, national, ethnic, indigenous or social origin, age and other status. States need to address the specific support needs of individuals throughout their life cycle.

Women and girls with disabilities

43. Women and girls with disabilities face significant difficulties in accessing support throughout their lives. On average, they are less likely to study and work; they earn less than men and thus have fewer opportunities to access appropriate support. Moreover, existing support services are frequently not responsive to the needs, nor respectful of the rights, of girls and women with disabilities. Male staff are often assigned to provide assistance, which may not respond to their preferences and create a heightened risk of abuse. In this regard, support cannot be addressed in gender-neutral terms. When designing and implementing policies and interventions on support, States must take into account the systemic and multiple discrimination faced by women and girls with disabilities. They must remove all barriers that interfere with access by women and girls to comprehensive support arrangements and provide appropriate assistance to those women with disabilities who perform care and support responsibilities as parents, without reinforcing patterns of discrimination and negative stereotyping.

Children with disabilities

44. Children with disabilities and their families require different types of support services, especially in the education and health sectors. They include assistive technology, communication support and individualized education plans, and information and assistance to families of children with disabilities in need. For too long, children and adolescents with disabilities have been mere recipients of “special care”, when this is available at all, which resulted in widespread segregation, institutionalization and neglect. Instead, States must organize support services and measures that foster their well-being and enable them to realize their full potential. Families need help to understand disability in a positive way and to know how to help support their children to be autonomous and independent. Limited understanding of care can hinder their right to express their views freely on all matters affecting them, in accordance with their age and maturity, and to be provided with disability- and age-appropriate assistance to realize that right.

Older persons with disabilities

45. Older persons with disabilities also have difficulties in accessing support arrangements for daily life, such as personal assistance, assisted living arrangements and palliative care. While families are the most common source of support for older persons with disabilities in most countries, there is an increasing demand for institutional care, especially from family members and other informal supporters of persons with dementia, which is increasing the risk of institutionalization among older persons with disabilities. Importantly, older women with disabilities are more likely to be institutionalized owing to the different life expectancies of men and women. The provision of in-home support services, including personal assistance and help with household chores, can avoid institutionalization and improve the quality of life of older persons by enabling them to stay at home (see A/HRC/30/43,

Извор: WUNRN – 28.01.2017




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