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Human Rights & Loss & Damage - Gender

Direct Link to Full 7-Page 2023 UN Publication: copy 6 Key messages on human rights and loss & damage copy (ohchr.org)

Advance Women’s Rights and Gender Equality – Page 5

Извор: WUNRN – 11.11.2023

Women & Girls in Sport for Gender Equality

Photo: UN Women/Dzilam Méndez




Sport has the power to change lives. The ability to drive gender equality by teaching women and girls teamwork, self-reliance, resilience and confidence. Women in sport defy gender stereotypes and social norms, make inspiring role models, and show men and women as equals.

Led by UN Women, the Sport for Generation Equality Initiative is inviting stakeholders from across the sports ecosystem to be part of a powerful coalition to make gender equality a lived reality in and through sport.


Where Women Work: Female-Dominated Occupations & Sectors - ILO

ILO – International Labour Organization


Where Women Work: Female-Dominated Occupations and Sectors work: Female-

Despite women breaking barriers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations and some overcoming obstacles in leadership roles, the transformation of the gender landscape in the workplace remains somewhat limited. Explore the latest insights from the new ILO database Worker and Sector Profiles.

November 7 2023 - Last month marked a significant stride towards gender equality. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, an infamously male-dominated field, was awarded to Professor Claudia Goldin. This is not simply a nod towards women’s contribution in this field, but also an acknowledgment of the importance of her research which “advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes”. While her research provides a profound understanding of women’s role and the underlying causes of gender inequalities in the U.S. labour market, it is important to recognize that different narratives may emerge in an international context, shaped by diverse social and cultural factors.


Europe - State of Democracy, Human Rights & Rule of Law +


Direct Link to Full 156-Page 2023 Council of Europe Report: https://rm.coe.int/secretary-general-report-2023/1680ab2226

See Contents Below on This Release.

Извор: WUNRN – 10.11.2023

A Feminist Agenda to Tackle the World's Water Crisis

Direct Link to Full 60-Page UN Women 2023 Publication: from-commodity-to-common-good-a-feminist-agenda-to-tackle-the-worlds-water-crisis-en.pdf (unwomen.org)

WOMEN, WATER AND NATURE: A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO WATER USE AND WATER CONSERVATION No life form on this planet can survive without water. Life on Earth depends on our careful stewardship of this common good. Many of the world’s first inhabitants, and the keepers and protectors of water, often Indigenous women, have long considered water to be a sacred resource with a distinct bond to all life forms. Water, from this perspective, is not a thing to be possessed, but a living entity. It must be protected from environmental damage, waste and pollution and not exploited as a commodity or financial asset. With the global water crisis getting worse, not better, the time has come to heed the call for mainstreaming a new and radically different perspective focused on respect for the life-giving gifts that water provides and the imperative to return the gift through protection and conservation. The moral distinction between water as an extractive resource, often the current mainstream approach, and water as a sacred, common good, with its own independent and immutable right to exist and flourish, is arguably at the crux of the global water crisis. After all, a commodity can be purchased, owned, discarded and wasted. It lacks the right to exist or to be protected from extinction. Local and Indigenous women activists on the front lines of environmental justice, however, have long rejected this narrow viewpoint.

Извор: WUNRN – 10.11.2023



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