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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Survival of the Richest - Tax the Super-Rich - Fight Inequality

Direct Link to Full 14-Page Oxfam Summary Document: Survival of the Richest: How we must tax the super-rich now to fight inequality – executive summary (openrepository.com)

We are living through an unprecedented moment of multiple crises. Tens of millions more people are facing hunger. Hundreds of millions more face impossible rises in the cost of basic goods or heating their homes. Poverty has increased for the first time in 25 years. At the same time, these multiple crises all have winners. The very richest have become dramatically richer and corporate profits have hit record highs, driving an explosion of inequality. This report focuses on how taxing the rich is vital to addressing this unprecedented polycrisis and skyrocketing inequality. The report explores how, in recent history, taxation of the richest was far higher; how talk of taxing the rich and making billionaires pay their fair share is hugely popular; and how taxing the rich claws back elite power and reduces not just economic inequality, but racial, gender and colonial inequalities, too. The report lays out how much tax the richest should pay, and the practical, tried and tested ways in which governments can raise such taxation. It shows us how taxing the rich can set us clearly on a path to a more equal, sustainable world free from poverty.

Извор: WUNRN – 02.01.2024

Gendered Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Poverty, Productivity & Food Security

Direct Link to Full 84-Page 2023 Report: gendered_analysis_of_the_impact_of_climate_change_on_poverty_productivity_and_food_insecurity.pdf (unwomen.org)

Preliminary research shows that the impact and coping strategies of communities because of climate change is not gender neutral and depends heavily on socio-eco[1]nomic wellbeing. In regions where women are largely engaged in subsistence and informal activities, women and girls spend significant hours a week undertaking productive activities like agriculture, weaving and other handicraft, small-scale informal trade, and other unpaid domestic work. Yet, society tends to negate their productive and social labor efforts (Emberson-Bain 1998). Women and children are the most at-risk groups and the factors that heighten their vulnerability to climate change risk compared to men include their limited access to assets and credit, gender-based differences in use of time (women are often the primary caregivers of children and spend disproportionate amounts of time on unpaid domestic labor), and limited access to decision-making and inclusion in policy discussions.

Извор: WUNRN – 24.12.2023


EU - Gender Equality Index 2023 - EIGE

EIGE – European Institute for Gender Equality

Direct Link to Full 196-Page EIGE 2023 Report:





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