Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








EU - What If Europe Ran Out of Water? - Analysis

 Direct Link to Full 2-Page European Parliament 2023 Analysis: 


Извор: WUNRN – 23.11.2023

2023 Global Organized Crime Index


The Global Organized Crime Index 2023 reveals the continuing rise of organized crime globally, with 83% of the world’s population living in conditions of high criminality. Conversely, the number of people living in conditions of low resilience to organized crime globally has declined significantly: now, 62% of the world’s population, compared to 79.4% in 2021.

Along with the original 10 criminal market indicators, the Organized Crime Index 2023 has introduced five new indicators to measure criminal activity:

  • financial crimes
  • cyber-dependent crimes
  • illicit trade in excise goods
  • counterfeit goods
  • extortion and protection racketeering

These additions and the inclusion of private sector actors as a new “criminal actor” type provide a broader perspective on the emerging threats, and underscore our commitment to providing critical data that can help support effective response strategies.


Understanding the International Anti-Gender Movement

UNRISD – United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

Direct Link to Full 32-Page UNRISD 2023 Publication:

The International Anti-Gender Movement: Understanding the Rise of Anti-Gender Discourses in the Context of Development, Human Rights and Social Protection (unrisd.org)

Извор: WUNRN – 18.11.2023

Forced Labor & Forced Marriage - Global Modern Slavery

Direct Link to Full 144-Page 2022 Report:  GEMS-2022_Report_EN_V8.pdf (walkfree.org)

Forced marriage is a human rights violation and a harmful practice that leads to the infliction of physical, mental, or sexual harm or suffering. It has both short- and long-term consequences, and negatively impacts the capacity of individuals to realize their full rights. Within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, all member states have committed to eliminate child, early, and forced marriages (Goal 5.3). Forced marriage refers to situations where a person has been forced to marry without their consent. As set out in the joint general recommendation of the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), child marriage is considered a form of forced marriage, given that one and/or both parties cannot express full, free, and informed consent. However, in many countries 16 and 17-year-olds who wish to marry are legally able to do so following a judicial ruling or with parental consent.

Извор: WUNRN – 17.11.2023


The Vulnerabilities of Girls in Conflict with the Law

UNODC – UN Office on Drugs & Crime


 Girls in contact with the criminal justice system are a particularly vulnerable group, for multiple reasons. At the outset, it is important to note that there is international consensus that all children, without discrimination on any grounds, should be afforded additional protection by virtue of the vulnerabilities associated with their developmental stage ( Convention on the Rights of the Child (GA Resolution 44/25); Universal Declaration of Human Rights (GA Resolution 217A)).

In addition to the vulnerabilities that may be associated with children's relative developmental immaturity, children who come into conflict with the law are especially vulnerable due to the circumstances that are likely to have precipitated their detention, (poverty, trauma, prior victimization, mental health issues, cognitive delay, etc). Furthermore, children deprived of liberty are exposed to the constant risks of physical violence, sexual violence, and psychological harm (for further materials on these issues, see Module 12 on Violence against Children, and Module 13 on Justice for Children). Having noted this general context of risk for all children in conflict with the law, this section of the Module is concerned with the fact that girls face disproportionate risks, relative to boys, due to deeply entrenched structures of inequality, discrimination, and sexual and gender-based violence.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар