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Gendered Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Poverty, Productivity & Food Security

Direct Link to Full 84-Page 2023 Report: gendered_analysis_of_the_impact_of_climate_change_on_poverty_productivity_and_food_insecurity.pdf (unwomen.org)

Preliminary research shows that the impact and coping strategies of communities because of climate change is not gender neutral and depends heavily on socio-eco[1]nomic wellbeing. In regions where women are largely engaged in subsistence and informal activities, women and girls spend significant hours a week undertaking productive activities like agriculture, weaving and other handicraft, small-scale informal trade, and other unpaid domestic work. Yet, society tends to negate their productive and social labor efforts (Emberson-Bain 1998). Women and children are the most at-risk groups and the factors that heighten their vulnerability to climate change risk compared to men include their limited access to assets and credit, gender-based differences in use of time (women are often the primary caregivers of children and spend disproportionate amounts of time on unpaid domestic labor), and limited access to decision-making and inclusion in policy discussions.

Извор: WUNRN – 24.12.2023




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