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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Right to Food & Nutrition Watch: False Solutions to Hunger & Malnutrition

Direct Link to Full 32-Page 2021 Right to Food & Nutrition Watch Report:

rtfn_watch13-2021_eng_web.pdf (righttofoodandnutrition.org)

Realizing a holistic human right to adequate food and nutrition can shift the conversation beyond food access and charity, and also uncover solutions that strike at the systemic root causes of hunger and poverty. In the same way that the causes of food insecurity were palpable long before the COVID-19 outbreak, the responses to the increased need for food and income during these times are also not ‚new‘. Grassroots organizations and their communities, and global social movements, have a long history of organizing and responding to the needs of those seeking food and income – from mutual aid to solidarity brigades, to increased household and community food production.

Извор: WUNRN – 20.12.2022


Gender Integration in Climate Policy: A G20 Analysis

Direct Link to Full 14-Page WECAN 2022 Publication:  https://www.wecaninternational.org/_files/ugd/d99d2e_4ca8d73dd958472c9e21589b33e8819b.pdf

While some G20 countries have taken steps to integrate a gender perspective into climate policy, climate policy remains gender-ignorant (it does not distinguish between genders) in most countries. Twenty percent of G20 countries make no mention of gender or women in climate policy. When gender is mentioned, it is often superficial, lacks policy coherence, focuses on foreign climate policy only, or is an afterthought in an otherwise gender-ignorant strategy.

A handful of G20 countries are taking the first steps towards integrating gender in climate policy, with plans to develop gender strategies. However, very few countries are at the stage of utilizing planning, monitoring, and evaluation tools to effectively integrate gender into climate action. • Participation of women in international and national climate decision-making processes is lacking. Further steps need to be taken to ensure that women, particularly Indigenous, Black, and Brown women, are considered as agents of change and that intersectionality, which in this case refers to how diverse women and gender marginalized groups are impacted differently by climate change, is addressed. • Governments need to ramp up efforts to effectively and coherently integrate gender considerations into climate relevant policies, ensuring active participation of women and marginalized groups. • The wealthiest G20 countries are falling short of their climate financing commitments both in terms of quantity and quality, highlighting the need to strengthen funding for gender-responsive climate action across mitigation and adaptation.

Извор: WUNRN – 15.12.2022


EU - Council Approves European Law to Improve Gender Balance on Company Boards


EU Member states have two years following the entry into force of the directive to adopt the required national measures. The directive will enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. The directive still needs to be adopted by the European Parliament.

October 17, 2022 - The Council today gave its final approval to EU rules to promote more balanced gender representation on the boards of listed companies.

The new rules will help to remove the obstacles women often face in their careers. I also believe that companies would greatly benefit from women realising their potential in decision-making positions. The positive impact of the measures will surely trickle down to all levels of national economies.


Femicide - Essential Facts

UN Women - https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/feature-story/2022/11/five-essential-facts-to-know-about-femicide

Five Essential Facts About Femicide

Gender related killings (femicide/feminicide) are the most brutal and extreme manifestation of a continuum of violence against women and girls that takes many interconnected and overlapping forms. Defined as an intentional killing with a gender-related motivation, femicide may be driven by stereotyped gender roles, discrimination towards women and girls, unequal power relations between women and men, or harmful social norms. Despite decades of activism from women’s rights organizations as well as growing awareness and action from Member States, the available evidence shows that progress in stopping such violence has been deeply inadequate. 

With the aim of galvanizing global action against this all too pervasive crime, in line with the vision of the Generation Equality Forum action coalitions, UNODC and UN Women have joined forces to produce the second edition of a report on gender-related killings of women and girls. Released ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the report’s chilling findings add heightened urgency to an existing global emergency.




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