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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








The Crisis of Workplace Violence Against Women

Photo "16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence Campaign" in the Solomon Islands. UN Women/Flickr. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Violence against women at work is real; it happens every day, in every corner of the world. It takes shape in many ways – from verbal and physical abuse to sexual assault and even murder.

IndustriALL 22 September 2017

As an organisation that represents 50 million workers in 140 countries, IndustriALL Global Union believes all forms of violence against women are unacceptable and supports its trade union affiliates as they take action to stop it.  

All too often, women working in IndustriALL’s sectors – including mining, textile and manufacturing – are afraid to speak out against abuses they face out of fear of losing their jobs, being stigmatised, or being socially ostracised both at work and at home. When they do speak out they are often ignored or blamed.


Localising the Gender Equality Goal through Urban Planning Tools in South Asia

This research paper, commissioned as part of the series ‘Starting Strong: the first 1000 days of the SDGs’, identifies key actions toward addressing the unfinished business of the MDGs and how to reach those who are furthest behind in relation to the new SDGs

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), proposed by the United Nations after a series of consultations with stakeholders across the globe, have set new targets for countries to achieve by 2030. The first three years, or the first 1,000 days of SDG implementation (since January 2016 when they came into effect), are critical to lay strong foundations on which countries will further progress towards the 17 SDGs and their respective targets. This study focuses on the gender equality agenda of SDG 5, which will strengthen the ‘social’ pillar of the SDGs. Selected targets of SDG 5 have been studied at the intersection of two other goals, SDGs 6 and 11. These goals aim, respectively, to enhance access to water and sanitation and build inclusive cities both being important aspects of urban planning and critical enablers for achieving gender equality in urban areas. The scope of this study is limited to urban settlements in South Asia, specifically in four countries: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.


Femicide - Establishing a Femicide Watch in Every Country

http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=22510&LangID=E – 7 December 2017

UN Expert on Violence Against Women Urges Worldwide Adoption of Femicide Watch or Gender-Related Killings Observatories

Direct Link to Full 80-Page 2017 FEMICIDE Publication:


Preface - https://acuns.org/femicide-volume-vii-establishing-a-femicide-watch-in-every-country/

Unless there is accurate and comparable data collection on a given crime, there will be no proper understanding of it and no effective strategy with which to combat it. Having clear data helps law makers and government officials win the public’s support for tackling it through targeted prevention and investigation resources. Femicide has been defined as murder of a woman by an intimate partner or family members and the targeting of women by criminal gangs or as a weapon of war. It has been universally recognised as a crime. But how do horrific crimes of this type so often slip under the radar? Why is it so difficult to collect data on such an abhorrent criminal activity and, subsequently, to arrest the perpetrators?


Assessing Austerity & Human Rights Impacts - Heavy Burden on WOMEN of Austerity Policies

Direct Link to Full 56-Page 2018 Publication: http://www.cesr.org/sites/default/files/Assessing%20Austerity%20Online.pdf

In the decade since the 2008 global economic crisis, fiscal austerity has become the new normal. In the name of fiscal discipline, governments in more than two-thirds of countries throughout the world have enacted drastic austerity measures like severe public expenditure cuts, regressive tax changes, and labor market and pension reforms, effectively disinvesting in human rights.

Draconian fiscal adjustments have undermined human rights of all types—from the rights to education, food, health and housing to the rights to decent work, fair wages and social security; and from freedom of expression to the rights to life and personal security. In the process, these unnecessary and unjustified policies have also aggravated disparities such as those of income, gender, race, age, disability and migration status.




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