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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








World Employment Social Outlook for WOMEN 2018

Direct Link to Full 14-Page ILO 2018 Publication:


The past 20 years have witnessed some progress for women in the world of work and in terms of gender equality in society. Today, more women than ever before are both educated and participating in the labour market.

This “global snapshot” looks at the progress (or lack thereof) made during the past decade and assesses women’s labour market prospects by examining the gaps between men and women according to a selection of ILO statistical indicators, namely labour force participation, unemployment, informal employment and working poverty.


EU - Challenges Facing Civil Society Organisations Working on Human Rights in the EU

January 2018 - Civil society organisations in the European Union play a crucial role in promoting fundamental rights, but it has become harder for them to do so – due to both legal and practical restrictions. This report looks at the different types and patterns of challenges faced by civil society organisations working on human rights in the EU.

Link to Full 61-Page 2018 Report:



The Reality of Continuing Years of Scarce Funding for Feminists & Women's Rights Movements

20 Years of Shamefully Scarce Funding for Feminists & Women’s Rights Movements

Author - Lydia Alpízar Durán – 13 May 2015

For decades, the women’s rights movement and women’s rights organizations have been severely underfunded. AWID research in 2010 revealed that the median budget for 740 women’s organizations all over the globe was a miserly US$20,000. In the same year, as a point of reference, the income for Save the Children International and World Vision International was US$1.442 billion and US$2.611 billion respectively. This is in spite of recent research which proves what feminists and activists have known for a long time—that women’s movements have been the key drivers defending women’s human rights and gender justice worldwide. As the world commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Conference this year, creates the sustainable development goals (SDGs), and holds the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development, it is critical to remember that real systemic impact for women’s rights needs significant resources.


Closing the Gender Gap in Politics

By Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women

This op-ed was originally published in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2018 Report

April 16, 2018 - Equality between women and men, and opportunities for women’s voices and leadership at all levels of decision-making have been globally acknowledged as vital contributors to more prosperous and stable societies in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. With increased agency and representation in society and in public life, women are better able to raise the profile of key issues including reproductive rights, childcare, equal pay, parental leave and pensions; and broader development issues such as the alleviation of poverty and delivery of services. But while we are seeing more women than ever holding public office and engaging in political processes, there is still a gaping gender gap for women in politics. Globally, just 23.5 per cent of national parliamentarians are women, six per cent of heads of state and six per cent of heads of government. Currently, just six Commonwealth member states have a woman as head of state or government.




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