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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Securing Women’s Land and Property Rights

A Critical Step to Address HIV, Violence, and Food Security

In many parts of the world, women’s rights to land and property are systematically denied. Women have fewer or less secure rights than men, and discriminatory attitudes and practices undermine them. This leaves many women vulnerable, and almost entirely dependent on the men in their lives for basic economic survival. 

Dependance on men can lead to entrapment in abusive relationships, less control over sexual relations, and less ability to produce food or secure food.

This briefing paper examines where and how women’s land and property rights are protected under international human rights standards, and offers strategies to help women effectively claim and enforce them.

Securing Women’s Land and Property Rights: A Critical Step to Address HIV, Violence, and Food Security

Извор: Фондација Отворено Општество – 07.03.2014

Соопштение за јавност од Мрежата за заштита од дискриминација - 15.03.2014


Примената на новите измени во Законот за семејство ќе придонесат за дополнителна маргинализација на децата во ризик

Мрежата за заштита од дискриминација ја истакнува својата загриженост околу најновите измени и дополнувања на Законот за семејство, кои се однесуваат на основите и постапката за одземањето на вршењето на родителското право.

Имено, со најновите измени и дополнувања на членот 90 од Законот за семејство се утврдува дека како злоупотреба или грубо занемарување на родителското право ќе се смета и наведувањето на питачење, односно користење на детето за питачење од страна на родителот.

Согласно овој член како злоупотреба или грубо занемарување на родителското право се смета исто така ако родителот му дозволува употреба на алкохол, дрога или други психотропни супстанции како и наведување на детето на општествено неприфатливи поведенија.

Во истиот член е регулирано дека во случај на злоупотреба на родителско право или грубо занемарување на родителското право МУ СЕ ОДЗЕМА вршењето на родителското право во вонпарнична постапка.

Со погоренаведените измени и дополнувања во целост се менува и уредува постапката на Центрите за социјална работа во случаите на злоупотреба или грубо занемарување на родителското право. Со овие измени најпрво се пропишува надзор над вршењето на родителското право и стручно советодавна работа со родителите и децата. Доколку родителот не постапи по укажувањата на ЦСР или ако родителот со своето постапување го довел во опасност животот на детето, ЦСР е должен веднаш времено да го одземе детето, да му обезбеди соодветно згрижување на детето и да покрене постапка за одземање на родителско право. Исто така се уредува и дека ЦСР е должен веднаш да поведе постапка против родителот за сторено кривично дело.


WOMEN: Experts call for engaging men and boys as allies in fight for gender equality

Photo: UN Women/Janarbek Amankulov

Gender equality is not just a concern for women and girls, a panel of experts gathered at the United Nations in New York stressed today, highlighting the need to engage men and boys as allies and agents of change in this global struggle.

“Gender equality isn’t just a women’s issue. It is an issue for all. It is a rights issue because women’s rights are human rights,” declared Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), as she kicked off an event on the margins of the annual session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

“Working with men and boys, transforming masculinity and traditional perceptions of manhood must be part of the gender equality agenda,” she added.

Ms. Mlambo-Ngcuka highlighted a new campaign launched by UN Women last week on the occasion of International Women’s Day called #HeforShe, in which men all over the world are being encouraged to speak out against the inequalities faced by women and girls.

Speaking directly to men and boys during the launch, she called on them to take a stand, to speak out and take action for their sisters, mothers, daughters and partners. “Because silence and inaction of good men conspire against women,” she stated.

Today’s event, organized by Switzerland and Brazil, focused particularly on engaging men and boys to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – which call for the reduction of extreme poverty and other global ills by 2015 – for women and girls. MDG 3 is specifically targeted to gender equality and the empowerment of women.


UN commission on women opens annual session, to focus on development

A mother with her child taking a goat for grazing in a mustard field in Dohazari village, Chittagong. Photo: UN Women/Jashim Salam

Women’s human rights have come a long way but there is still much to do and little time to do it in, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today opening the 2014 session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), which this year will focus on development, particularly education and reproductive rights.

“We cannot achieve a world of dignity for all until we end gender inequality in all its forms,” Mr. Ban told the 58th session of the CSW, underway at UN Headquarters in New York and scheduled to wrap up on 21 March.

More than 6,000 registered representatives of the 193 Member States, UN and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will discuss the challenges and achievements in the implementation of the eight anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ahead of the 2015 deadline. The final discussion document will contribute to shaping a future development agenda, with some participants pushing for a standalone goal on women’s empowerment in the post-2015 development agenda.

This year’s meeting of the Commission comes ahead of the 20th anniversary of the landmark Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995. The Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, adopted unanimously by 189 countries at the conference, is considered the key global policy document on gender equality, addressing critical areas such as women and poverty, violence against women and the human rights of women.

For the next two weeks, CSW participants will also discuss women and girls’ access to education, training, science and technology, as well as women’s equal access to full employment and decent work.

“More girls are in school, but we are far from ending gender disparity at all levels of education,” the top UN official said, highlighting that gender gaps are particularly stark among rural populations and for persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, and other marginalized groups.




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