Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Global Film Industry Perpetuates Discrimination Against Women

The first-ever global study on female characters in popular films, launched today, reveals deep-seated discrimination and pervasive stereotyping of women and girls by the international film industry. The study was commissioned by the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, with support from UN Women and The Rockefeller Foundation and conducted by Stacy L. Smith (PhD) and her research team at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California. 

The investigation analyses popular films across the most profitable countries and territories internationally, including: Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea, United States, United Kingdom, as well as UK-US collaborations.        

While women represent half of the world’s population, less than one third of all speaking characters in film are female. Less than a quarter of the fictional on-screen workforce is comprised of women (22.5 per cent). When they are employed, females are largely absent from powerful positions. Women represent less than 15 per cent of business executives, political figures, or science, technology, engineering, and/or math (STEM) employees. 


As development goals near deadline, Ban urges global leaders to ‘finish the job’

Great gains have been made in the global effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, known worldwide as the “MDGs,” but with the deadline fast approaching more must be done to fully meet the targets set for 2015 and beyond, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today.

In his remarks to a gathering of 300 global leaders convened by the MDG Advocacy Group, Mr. Ban applauded the successes made so far in pushing forward with the Goals and in having “raised awareness, mobilized resources, and helped shape policy.”

“The MDGs have transformed the lives of millions of people,” he told delegates at the gathering, which was held on the margins of the General Assembly’s annual high-level debate.


Improving health of women, children ‘moral imperative’ – Ban

Internally displaced women and children in the Central African Republic. Photo: OCHA

Lauding the gains made in improving the health of women and children worldwide, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for renewed commitment and action to sustain the unprecedented progress made in this area in partnership with governments, civil society, the private sector, philanthropists and international organizations.

“For the first time ever, we have the opportunity to end all preventable deaths of women and children within a generation,” Mr. Ban said at the ‘Every Woman Every Child’ event held at UN Headquarters on the margins of the General Assembly’s high-level debate.

“Let us seize this historic opportunity as a moral imperative. It is also one of the smartest investments we can make.”

Launched by the Secretary-General in September 2010, Every Woman Every Child aims to save the lives of 16 million women and children by 2015.


Излагање на Министерот за финансии на РМ по однос на Предлог буџетот на РМ за 2015 година на седницата на Собраниската комисија за финансирање и буџет

Со предложениот Буџет за наредната година, продолжува поддршката на стопанството и на стандардот на граѓаните преку одвоениот значителен износ за капитални инвестиции и преку зголемувањето на платите, пензиите и социјалните надоместоци.

Ова го истакна вицепремиерот и министер за финансии Зоран Ставрески образложувајќи го Предлог-буџетот на Република Македонија за 2015 година пред матичната собраниска Комисија за финансирање и буџет, а воедно додаде дека истовремено продолжува рестриктивната буџетска политика.

Според предлогот, приходите се проектирани на 163.280 милијарди денари, расходите на 181.777 милијарди денари и буџетскиот дефицит е 3,5 проценти од БДП, кој според министерот е разумно ниво имајќи ги предвид бројот и големината на проектите што ќе се финансираат и економскиот раст што ќе го овозможи тоа.

- Приходите се проектирани врз база на ниско ниво на даночни стапки во земјата, што е важно бидејќи со тоа даваме директна поддршка на стопанството и правиме Македонија да остане интересна за странските инвеститори, истакна Ставрески.


Universal quality education impossible without upholding girls’ and young people’s rights

Students attend class in a school in Harar, Ethiopia. Photo credit: UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

UNITED NATIONS, New York – Gender equality and the rights of young people are essential requirements for delivering quality education to all, said heads of state, leading education advocates and United Nations principals at a high-level event held at the UN today, during the 69th session of the UN General Assembly.

The event, called ‘Quality Education for the World We Want’, was organized by the Global Education First Initiative. It focused on the issues that keep adolescents from school, worsening their own prospects and those of future generations.

“Something very important is at stake – the future,” said the event’s host, UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson.




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