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Министерството за финансии го објави својот билтен за септември

Министерството за финансии во текот на месец ноември 2014 година го објави месечниот Билтен на Министерството за финансии во кој дава осврт на краткорочните економски движење во РМ.

Со билтенот се дава нагласок на следното:

- Индустриското производство во септември 2014 година во споредба со септември 2013 година забележа раст од 9,1%;

- Инфлацијата на годишна основа изнесува -0,7%, додека на месечна основа остана непроменета, со што просечната стапка на инфлација во периодот јануари - септември 2014 година изнесува -0,2%;

- Извозот во периодот јануари - септември 2014 година забележа раст од 16,2%, додека увозот раст од 10,0%, што резултираше со стеснување на трговскиот дефицит за 1,3% во однос на истиот период од 2013 година;

- Во периодот јануари - септември 2014 година вкупните приходи во Буџетот забележаа зголемување од 1,5%, а вкупните расходи раст од 2,7%; дефицитот на Буџетот на РМ во овој период изнесува 17.454 милиони денари (3,3% од БДП), а дефицитот на Централниот буџет 15.214 милиони денари (2,9% од БДП);

- Раст од 9,4% на вкупните кредити кон приватниот сектор на годишна основа и раст од 8,7% на вкупниот депозитен потенцијал на банките.

Прочитај повеќе

Извор: Министерство за финансии на РМ


Joint Statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November 2014

Brussels - Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality and Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development made the following statement:

Discrimination and violence against women continues around the world, in all societies and regions. Women are harassed, raped, mutilated, beaten or murdered, even in their own homes. In the EU, one in three women has experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15. Outside the EU, girls are prevented from going to school or forced to marry and sexual violence remains a deplorable and widely used tactic of war. Women human rights defenders are threatened and attacked for doing their work.

Combating all forms of violence against women and girls is a fundamental pillar of the respect for human or fundamental rights and remains a priority for the EU, both internally and externally. One year ago, the European Commission and EEAS jointly adopted the Communication on eliminating female genital mutilation, and we have continued our efforts in this area. The EU is funding projects promoting social change and preventing this practice, as well as providing support to victims and engaging with members of practising communities to advocate for attitudinal change.


#OrangeUrHood campaign kicks off UN-led effort to end violence against women

United Nations Secretariat shines in orange light kicking off Orange YOUR Neighbourhood anti-violence campaign for the International Day to End Violence against Women. November 2014. UN Photo/E. Debebe

Tonight, for the first time ever, both the iconic United Nations Headquarters complex and the Empire State Building in New York are bathed in orange light to kick off the “Orange YOUR Neighbourhood” campaign ahead of the International Day to End Violence Against Women.

“Together, we must end this global disgrace,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said at a special pre-lighting ceremony at the Empire State Building this morning where he “flipped the switch” ahead of the Building's illumination tonight.

“It is up to everyone to play their part; women's rights are not only women's business. Men and boys are finally taking their place as partners in this battle,” Mr. Ban explained in midtown New York where he was joined by American actress Teri Hatcher, Mrs. Yoo Soon-taek, and Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).


16 Days Campaign Demands an end to Gender-Based Violence and Militarism!

New Brunswick, NJ —It has never been more imperative to take action toward ending gender-based violence. On November 25, 2014, the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) will stand committed, along with women and human rights activists, by launching the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. CWGL will join over 5,179 16 Days Campaign participants in calling for action and accountability on due diligence commitments on the part of policymakers and governments and community responsibility to end the scourge of violence, discrimination, and inequality based on gender, disability, and sexual orientation. Participants planning actions during the 16-day period include: UN Women (global), Mittika (India), Vision in Action (Cameroon), Women & Development (Georgia), Women Living Under Muslim Laws (global), and YUWA (Nepal).


Forced and early marriage: the story of Maysoun, a child bride

“Every day I wished I had never been born, for no one deserves such crushing pain and suffering,” said Maysoun, a victim of forced and early marriage in the State of Palestine. Maysoun was forced into marriage when she was just 15 years old. As soon as she was under her new husband’s roof, he made her quit school. Instead, she rose at dawn and spent her days washing, cleaning and cooking. The psychological pressure she endured was so severe that her health deteriorated and she began to hallucinate and talk to herself. Two years into the marriage, Maysoun’s husband left her, leaving her marginalized in the community and filled with shame.

“After I was divorced I felt like everyone was giving me dirty looks and wondering about the reasons for my divorce. I would walk down the street with my eyes fixed on the ground, trying to avoid eye contact,” said Maysoun, who was 17-years-old at the time.

Eventually, Maysoun made contact with the NGO, Trust for Programs for Early Childhood, Family and Community Education, which placed her in a community-based programme aimed at empowering victims of early marriage and educating the community on the ills of early marriage.




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