Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








When Pregnancy Leads to Prison


Having or attempting to have an abortion. Suffering a miscarriage. Disagreeing with your doctor’s advice about when, how, or where to give birth. 

All of these have one thing in common: They can all land a pregnant woman in prison. 

Sound impossible? Read about three women who are being punished for the outcomes of their pregnancies. 

Then share with your networks on Facebook and Twitter


Lynn M. Paltrow
Executive Director, National Advocates for Pregnant Women 

Извор: Фондација Отворено Општество – 27.06.2015


Global Survey Shows Rising Women's Participation in Co-Operatives

A joint survey of the ILO and the International Co-Operative Alliance reflects gains for women in co-operatives while pointing to the need for better recognition by governments

Brussels, 9 March 2015 – An online survey conducted by the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Cooperatives Unit and the International Co-operative Alliance shows 75 per cent of survey respondents feel that women’s participation in co-operatives has increased over the past 20 years.

The findings come ahead of a panel and debate to be held 10 March at the United Nations in New York, called “Co-operatives: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.”

Regarding the survey findings, the president of the International Co-operative Alliance, Dame Pauline Green said, “The Alliance and ILO joint survey highlights the unique effectiveness of the co-operative model in providing women with a dignified way out of poverty, often away from violence and abuse.”

“I am also thrilled with the survey’s indicators towards a high number of women in leadership positions, particularly in our finance and insurance co-operatives,” she added.


Launching Working Paper - "Social Accountability and Legal Empowerment: Allied Approaches in the Struggle for Health Rights"

Working Paper on Social Accountability and Legal Empowerment: Allied Approaches in the Struggle for Health Rights

We’re pleased to share with you the attached Working Paper on Social Accountability and Legal Empowerment: Allied Approaches in the Struggle for Health Rights. It explores the intersection between social accountability and legal empowerment programs and highlights the benefits of combining these approaches to better enable socially excluded groups to claim their rights and obtain accountability for service delivery.

On December 2-4, 2014, OSF convened a small group of practitioners and thinkers to explore the potential for integrating these areas of work to better enable socially excluded groups to claim their rights and obtain accountability for service delivery. The convening aimed to provide a space for reflection on lessons, achievements, challenges, and remaining gaps in knowledge and practice. This Working Paper summarizes the background tobut  the meeting and synthesizes the discussions that took place and conclusions that were reached.


Why Do Women Find It So Difficult to Put Themselves First?

By Rosjke Hasseldine - Recently I discussed with a friend of mine why we find it so excruciatingly difficult to put our needs first, especially when it comes to our family. My friend said that if her mother needs her, she will rush to her side, even if her mother hasn't asked for help. She said that she feels super responsible for her mother's wellbeing and happiness, and if she doesn't respond when she knows her mother needs her, she feels terribly guilty. And it isn't just with her mother that my friend drops whatever she is doing and rushes in to help. She does this with her friends as well.

I understand my friend's behavior. I too have a tendency to drop whatever I am doing and help someone out, especially when it comes to my adult children. Both my friend and I have a long history of over-accommodating other people's needs and under-accommodating our own, even when we know that we are neglecting ourselves, and we know that we will feel stressed because we have not done the work we intended to do.


UN Special Rapporteur on Health Report to Human Rights Council 2015 - Gender - Violence as an Obstacle to Health +

United Nations - General Assembly



Distr.: General - 2 April 2015

Human Rights Council  - Twenty-ninth session

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, Dainius Pūras


In the present report, submitted pursuant to Council resolution 24/6, the Special Rapporteur provides a brief account of his activities since he took office in August 2014.

The main focus of the report is on the work of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health, focusing on the right to health framework, and the development of the contours and content of the right to health. He then reflects on how he sees the way forward, based on the current context, challenges and opportunities for the full realisation of the right to health.




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