Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








European Union – Trafficking in Human Beings 2015 Eurostat Statistics Report

Based on data from EU Member States who were able to provide a more detailed breakdown by age across 2010-2012, 45 % of registered victims were aged 25 or older; 36 % were registered as aged 18-24, 17 % were registered aged 12-17, and 2 % were aged 0-11.

Data on registered victims disaggregated by different forms of exploitation for all three reference years showed that the majority (69 %) of registered victims were trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation, 19 % for labour exploitation and 12 % for other forms of exploitation such as the removal of organs, criminal activities, or selling of children. There is no clear trend between the annual percentages of registered victims in each form of exploitation, in part due to changes in recording mechanisms in Member States between the three years. Both female and male victims can be trafficked for many exploitative purposes.


Nothing About Roma Without Roma

For a long time, the study of Romani culture has been dominated by non-Roma “experts.” 

In 2015, two major milestones started to change that.

For the first time, a summer session on Romani studies at Central European University was taught to Roma students by a mostly Roma faculty. And the launch of the European Roma Institute was announced, a venture that will showcase Roma contributions to society—and be spearheaded by Roma leaders themselves. 

Learn more about both initiatives and how they’ll lead to a more holistic approach to Romani studies. 

Извор: Фондација Отворено Општество – 20.01.2016


Women - Cycle of Poverty - Security – Rights

Fatou Fatty, 42, is a poultry farmer and member of the local women’s club in Gambia - Photo: ,Sylvain Cherkaoui/Cosmos/ActionAid

70% of People Living in Poverty Are Women

Women around the world are more likely to live in poverty - just because they are women. They have less access to land, education, income and decision-making – all of which keeps them poor.

ActionAid puts women and women’s rights at the centre of all our work because we believe this inequality is an injustice we must fight. And we believe that gender is critical to understanding the causes of poverty and injustice.

We work with women across the world to identify the changes they want to see and to empower them to claim their rights.


Stillbirths - Most Are Preventable - Lancet - Facts & Data

Many of the graves in this cemetery in the Sierra Leone capital Freetown are for stillborn children.

Over 3,000 lives are lost to stillbirth a day across the world - most of which are preventable, according to studies published by The Lancet.

Two-thirds of last year's 2.6 million stillbirths were in Africa.

Half of stillbirths happen during labour as a result of preventable conditions, notably syphilis and malaria, they add.

The studies argue stillbirths are preventable through high-quality antenatal care.

The studies say there is a widespread belief that stillbirths are due to birth defects and are unavoidable.

However, it points out that this only accounts for 7.3% of stillbirths after 28 weeks.

They ranked the three countries with the highest rates of still births as Pakistan, followed by Nigeria and Chad.

A notable exception is Rwanda, which the studies point out was able to reduce the number of stillbirths.




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