Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Travellers – Time to counter deep-rooted hostility

In October 2015, 10 persons died in a fire which broke in a Travellers’ site near Dublin. Following this tragic event, neighbours prevented the authorities from providing alternative accommodation to the surviving members of the group on a nearby site by blocking roads leading to the new site. Sadly, this episode illustrates well how deep-rooted hostility against those identified as Travellers, Gypsies, Roma, Manouches, Sinti, Romani/Taters or Yenish, still affects the lives of these persons in many countries where they live, including Belgium, France, Ireland, Norway, the UK and Switzerland. Continue reading →

Извор: Совет на Европа – 05.02.2016

With focus on cervical cancer, Ban says where people live should not determine chances of survival

In Sao Paulo, Brazil, a young girl receives the HVP cervical cancer vaccine, given at public and private schools throughout the county and in the 36,000 vaccination centers of the national health system (March 2014). Photo: PAHO/WHO

4 February 2016 – Marking World Cancer Day, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed that where a person lives should not determine if they develop a cancer or die from it, as he called to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health issue while also reducing the burden that millions face from all cancers.

“We must do more to end the many tragedies that cancer inflicts,” said Mr. Ban in his message on the Day. “About one third of cancers can be prevented, while others are curable if diagnosed and treated early. And even when cancer is advanced, patients should benefit from palliative care,” he said.


Preventing cancer - The European code against cancer

Cancer incidence is rising in the WHO European Region - the total number of new cancer cases diagnosed in 2012 was 3.7 million, and the number is estimated to increase by 25% by 2030, to reach 4.6 million(1).

This increase is the result of both an ageing population and other factors, such as tobacco and alcohol use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, increasing overweight and obesity, exposure to occupational and environmental carcinogens (e.g. asbestos, benzene, air pollution, ultraviolet radiation and environmental radon) and some infectious agents (e.g. hepatitis B virus, Helicobacter pylori and human papilloma virus).

Every year, on 4 February, WHO promotes ways to ease the global burden of cancer. Under the tagline "We can. I can.", World Cancer Day 2016 will show how everyone – collectively and as individuals – can do their part in reducing the global burden of cancer.


On World Cancer Day, UN says ‘goal must be equitable access for all patients, in all countries’

Women line up at the Kanungu Health Centre IV in Uganda to receive HIV and cervical cancer counselling and testing. Photo: UNFPA

4 February 2015 – As the international community pauses on World Cancer Day to remember the millions of preventable deaths caused by the disease, the head of the UN agency that contributes nuclear techniques to fight cancer said today that a huge percentage of the world’s cancer deaths occurring in developing countries can be prevented.

“The goal must be equitable access for all patients, in all countries, to the highest standards of cancer care, regardless of their country's level of development,” said Yukiya Amano, Director General of the UN Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

“Around 70 percent of the world's cancer deaths occur in developing countries. Many of those deaths could be prevented if the right facilities, and trained staff, were available,” he told an IAEA-hosted event in Vienna, Austria, marking World Cancer Day to demonstrate that cancer control is ‘Not Beyond Us’ – slogan of this year’s campaign.


World Cancer Day - Video of Inspiration about Women Who Have Been Through Breast Cancer, or any Huge Life Challenge

4 February 2016 – Marking World Cancer Day, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed that where a person lives should not determine if they develop a cancer or die from it, as he called to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health issue while also reducing the burden that millions face from all cancers.


Lyrics & Music by Lucy Mathews Heegaard


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhat2OrlfG0




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