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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








European Union – Trafficking in Human Beings 2015 Eurostat Statistics Report

Based on data from EU Member States who were able to provide a more detailed breakdown by age across 2010-2012, 45 % of registered victims were aged 25 or older; 36 % were registered as aged 18-24, 17 % were registered aged 12-17, and 2 % were aged 0-11.

Data on registered victims disaggregated by different forms of exploitation for all three reference years showed that the majority (69 %) of registered victims were trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation, 19 % for labour exploitation and 12 % for other forms of exploitation such as the removal of organs, criminal activities, or selling of children. There is no clear trend between the annual percentages of registered victims in each form of exploitation, in part due to changes in recording mechanisms in Member States between the three years. Both female and male victims can be trafficked for many exploitative purposes.

Of all the female victims registered, the overwhelming majority were trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation (85 %). Among registered male victims, 64 % were trafficked for labour exploitation. A distinct gender split can also be seen within the different types of exploitation. Registered victims of sexual exploitation are predominantly female (95 %) whereas the majority of registered victims of labour exploitation are male (71 %). For other forms of exploitation such as forced begging, selling of children, etc., female victims represent 52 % and males 38 % of registered victims, with 10 % of unknown gender.


Извор: WUNRN – 22.01.2016




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

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