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Human Rights Day - Women's Rights Are Human Rights - Human Rights Are Under Unprecedented Pressure

International Human Rights Day - 10 December


Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

The Beijing Platform for Action, developed at a 1995 United Nations conference, set an agenda for women’s empowerment and identified 12 critical areas of concern. More than 20 years after Beijing, ShareAmerica assesses global progress in each critical area. This article focuses on women’s human rights.


New WHO data portal to help track progress towards universal health coverage

News release

7 DECEMBER 2016 | GENEVA - To mark Universal Health Coverage Day, WHO today launched a new data portal to track progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) around the world. The portal shows where countries need to improve access to services, and where they need to improve information.

Data portal

The portal features the latest data on access to health services globally and in each of WHO’s 194 Member States, along with information about equity of access. Next year WHO will add data on the impact that paying for health services has on household finances.


Entrepreneurship Empowers Women

About the Cherie Blair Foundation Enterprise Development Programme

The potential of women entrepreneurs remains largely untapped in developing and emerging markets, with many lacking access to the financial services, skills and opportunities they need to become successful business owners. In developing countries, women own only around 30% of small businesses and as little as 17% of medium enterprises. Women are also three times more likely to operate within the informal economy.

How Does Entrepreneurship Empower Women?

Entrepreneurship is a powerful tool for women’s empowerment. The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women works with women entrepreneurs in developing and emerging economies to grow sustainable businesses.


Internet Use & Mobile Networks Grows - Use by Women vs. Men - Developed Countries vs. Less Developed

Almost Half the World Will Be Online by the End of 2016: Poorer Countries Will Lag - Report

By Nqobile Dludla | JOHANNESBURG – November 22, 2016

JOHANNESBURG By the end of 2016, almost half of the world's population will be using the internet as mobile networks grow and prices fall, but their numbers will remain concentrated in the developed world, a United Nations agency said on Tuesday.

In the world's developed countries about 80 percent of the population use the internet. But only about 40 percent in developing countries and less than 15 percent in less-developed countries are online, according to a report by the U.N.'s International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

In several of Africa's poorer and more fragile countries, only one person in 10 is on the internet. The offline population is female, elderly, less educated, poorer and lives in rural areas, said the union, a specialized agency for information and communication technologies.


CEE Bulletin on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights - No 12 (159) 2016

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  • Member of the month – Women’s Rights Center




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