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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Rural Women's Economic Empowerment

Rural Women's Economic Empowerment

Welcome to the Rural Women's Economic Empowerment page! 

One of the major highlights of this space will be the sharing of experiences by practitioners working on the Joint Programme on “Accelerating Progress towards the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women,” a pilot programme jointly implemented by UN-Women, WFP, IFAD and FAO. Furthermore, we collaborate with many partners to explore the universe of rural women all over the world and create an engendered rural development agenda, with a dedicated look at creating gender-responsive policies for developing countries. The discourse and resources generated on this forum will help to add rigor to policy-making and advocacy processes in diverse contexts.


Poverty, Gender & Intersecting Inequalities in the EU

EIGE – European Institute for Gender Equality

Direct Link to Full 128-Page 2016 Report: http://eige.europa.eu/sites/default/files/documents/ti_pubpdf_mh0416244enn_pdfweb_20161208181320.pdf

Executive Summary

Poverty is a complex and multidimensional phenome­non that cannot be explained in economic terms only. In a broader sense, it extends to the deprivation of opportu­nities for civil, social and political participation and social mobility (Council of the European Union, 2007). The Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women in 1995 marked an important step in addressing the gender dimen­sion of poverty. ‘Women and Poverty’ was identified as the first area of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA). The strategic objectives in this area are based on the prem­ise that women continue to be more severely affected by poverty than men due to persisting structural and cultural causes putting women at a disadvantage (e.g. social pro­tection systems, labour market policy and practices, etc.).


EU - Demography & Family Policies - Changes from the "Traditional" Family in Europe

“Even though the world’s population has been rising constantly and the demographic change has been faster and more universal than ever before in human history, Europe’s population has been ageing.

All EU Member States exhibit increasing life expectancy and decreasing fertility rates, while the problem of sustaining the working age population and by consequence economic growth becomes more prominent. Pension systems have fewer workers-contributors and expenses for medical care and elderly care also increase and cannot be sustained.

New family arrangements, delayed union formation (marriage or cohabitation) between members of different or the same sex, postponement of childbearing, rising divorce rates and higher numbers of children born out of wedlock, as well as ideas and attitudes of European citizens have also been undergoing transformation. Traditional family is no longer the dominant form.”

Direct Link to Full 44-Page 2016 Report:



Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: 10 Years - References - CEDAW Submission on Violence Against Women with Disabilities

Statement to Mark the 10th Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

It is time to move from law to practice in the implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities

GENEVA (13 December 2016) – A United Nations human rights expert has urged States to redouble their efforts to end the marginalization of persons with disabilities, in a statement marking the anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Catalina Devandas Aguilar, the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, said much work remained to be tackled, 10 years after the Convention was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13 December 2006:

“Global estimates suggest that there are almost one billion persons with disabilities and at least 93 million children with disabilities in the world - 15 per cent of the population, but the number could be much higher. They are a hugely diverse group of all ages, sex, races, languages and religions. They have different national, ethnic, indigenous, social and gender identities. Some are migrants, refugees and internally displaced people…………




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