Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Women & Co-Operatives - Advancing Gender Equality - Survey Report

ILO – International Labour Organization

COOP – International Co-Operative Alliance

“Drawing on surveys and interviews with experts and practitioners from the co-operative, labour and women’s movements, this report sets forth a preliminary review of the interface between the co-operative movement, women’s empowerment and gender equality.”

Direct Link to Full 38-Page 2015 Survey Report:



Due Diligence Principle-Framework - Important Continuing Reference on State/Country Accountability for Violence Against Women Perpetrated by State AND Non-State Actors

Second Printing 2016

Due Diligence Principle

Traditionally, States have only been responsible for their own actions or those of their agents. Gradually, public international law developed to mandate States to exercise due diligence to promote, protect and fulfil human rights. This obligates States to take before they occur, such as adopting relevant laws and policies, and effectively prosecute and punish perpetrators if abuses occur. The ‘due diligence principle’, as it is commonly termed, holds States accountable for human rights abuses committed not only by the State or State actors, but also by non-State actors. Violence against women (VAW) is most often perpetrated by non-State actors — for example, a close male relative or an intimate partner.

The due diligence principle is a critical tool in the formulation of accountability. By making the State accountable for violence perpetrated by non-State actors, public international law recognizes that VAW, regardless of who commits it, constitutes human rights violations. Due diligence has also ruptured the artificial ‘public/private sphere’ divide and the dichotomy between State and non-State actors,2 as States are now not only permitted but obliged to enter the so-called ‘private sphere’ where most instances of VAW take place and where States have traditionally been barred.


Gender Just Climate Solutions

The Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) is a civil society observer – one of the nine stakeholder groups – of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The WGC promotes human rights and gender equality and the full and effective participation of women at all levels of decision making, as well as a gender responsive approach in all policies and measures related to climate change. The WGC provides a voice to women, to formalize and unify the perspectives of women and gender civil society organizations active in the UNFCCC processes.

Direct Link to Full 36-Page 2016 Publication:


Извор: WUNRN – 29.12.2016


How does civil society use budget information?

December 2016 | By Paolo De Renzio, International Budget Partnership and Massimo Mastruzzi, The World Bank

Governments sometimes complain that the budget information they make publicly available is seldom accessed and utilized. On the other hand, civil society organizations (CSOs) often claim that the information governments make available is very difficult to understand and not detailed enough to allow for meaningful analysis and advocacy. Is there a mismatch between the budget information supplied by governments and demand among civil society?

This paper examines the “demand side” of fiscal transparency using findings from a global survey of 176 individuals working in civil society that use budget information for analysis and advocacy activities. Based on the responses, the authors identify a “fiscal transparency effectiveness gap” between the fiscal information that governments often provide and the information that CSOs need.


Службени лица од различни дејности и сфери на обука во Комисијата

Дваесет и три службени лица за посредување со информации од јавен карактер од државни институции, јавни претпријатија и установи, единици на локалната самоуправа, судската власт, како и од здравствени институции, проследија обука на тема „Слободен пристап до информации од јавен карактер и практична примена на Законот за слободен пристап до информации од јавен карактер“.

Обуката се одржа во просториите на Комисијата за заштита на правото за слободен пристап информациите од јавен карактер, а согласно предвидениот план за обуки за месец декември, а беше наменета за новоназначени службени лица, но и за лица кои посредуваат со информациите од јавен карактер, а имале потреба од доедукација.




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