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Women & Co-Operatives - Advancing Gender Equality - Survey Report

ILO – International Labour Organization

COOP – International Co-Operative Alliance

“Drawing on surveys and interviews with experts and practitioners from the co-operative, labour and women’s movements, this report sets forth a preliminary review of the interface between the co-operative movement, women’s empowerment and gender equality.”

Direct Link to Full 38-Page 2015 Survey Report:



This report provides an overview of the effectiveness of co-operatives as platforms for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment, as conveyed by a broad range of co-operative practitioners, civil society organizations, academics, and government workers. This report highlights a number of achievements and areas for strategic action while acknowledging that there are many contextual variables and areas for improvement. The key findings of this preliminary research indicate that co-operatives have an increasingly positive impact on women and on their inclusion in economic activity and the labour force. The findings also suggest that co-operatives enhance their capacity to empower women by co-operating with civil society and gaining government recognition. Going forward, there are many opportunities for the co-operative movement to better achieve its potential to advance gender equality through internal measures. This is particularly the case with regard to women in leadership, gender equality strategies, and collaboration among co-operatives. However, the capacity of co-operatives to empower women also benefits decisively from the support of civil society and recognition by governments.

Извор: WUNRN – 02.01.2017




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