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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Countries With the Best, & Worst, Living Standards: Data

Which countries have the best, and worst, living standards? (economist.com)

Which Countries Have the Best, & Worst, Living Standards?

Data show progress worldwide may have suffered a permanent setback

March 13, 2024 - The 2020s have brought a degree of chaos not seen in decades. A pandemic was followed by a full-scale war in Europe; both sent food and fuel prices surging. Extreme weather events have shown that climate change is beginning to bite. The phrase “unprecedented times” soon sounded worn and vacuous.

This all took a toll on global standards of living. One measure of this, the un’s Human Development Index (hdi), fell in 2020 for the first time since its launch in 1990. It fell again in 2021. The hdi is one of the most widely used measures of countries’ development, after gdp. It gauges progress in terms of societal outcomes, including life expectancy at birth, expected and average years of schooling and gross national income per person. The latest figures, released on March 13th, show that the global hdi is rising again, but progress has been slow and uneven. Our table below shows how the 194 countries tracked by the un compare.


Mobilize Women, The Economic Power Of Half Of Humanity

Encouraging equal economic inclusion strengthens societies and propels them toward greater resilience. Photo by: Kindel Media / Pexels

By Anna BjerdeIndermit Gill // 24 January 2024

Time to mobilize the economic power of half of humanity | Devex

Time to Mobilize Women, the Economic Power of Half of Humanity

Closing the gender gap in employment could raise long-term gross domestic product per capita by nearly 20% on average across countries.

Empowering women and investing in gender equality is essential for economic resilience and growth. To do this, governments need to invest in legal reform, campaigns to challenge social norms, and strong workplace legislation.


Advancing the Right to Care: Submission to the Inter-American Court

Domestic care workers in Argentina marching for care workers' rights. @SOCRA

Advancing the Recognition of the Right to Care: A Collective Submission to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights | ESCR-Net

Advancing Recognition of the Right to Care: Collective Submission to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - A collective of ESCR-Net members and allied organizations filed a written submission in response to Argentina's request for an advisory opinion on the right to care made to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR). The prospective advisory opinion represents a groundbreaking opportunity for an international human rights court to recognize the right to care, which implies the recognition of care work as the work that sustains life in all its facets and the proper functioning of society.




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